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You sat down with Missy on the lower bunk, unsure of what to do. You kept glancing at each other occasionally and you found yourself paying close attention to her features. It was like every time you looked you saw something new. Something else that made her so perfect. She had the most perfect cheekbones too. Everything was perfect. Okay you were saying the word perfect too much. But what else could you say?!

You smiled to yourself, turning your head away from the woman next to you. You sat twiddling your fingers a little, quite honestly a little bored. You'd left your phone and earphones on the TARDIS...again. And this was a rubbish room with nothing to do. The fact that the doctor hadn't used her sonic to get you all out again also meant that she was serious about the whole staying put thing, even for herself.

"I'm bored" you mumbled.

Missy turns her head your way, raising a brow with a humorous grin.

"That happened quick" she commented.

"Yeah well how are you not bored? There's nothing to do" you asked.

"Oh I've been doing loads. Look at what I've found out" she said, jumping off the bed and placing the palms of her hands on the metallic ground. "Come on then" she gestured you to come down.

You sighed, getting up from the bed. You crouched down next to Missy. You put your hands down like Missy, palms down on the floor. You were a little confused as to what was supposed to be happening right now but you just went along with it.

Missy then placed a hand over one of yours, and you found it increasingly difficult to keep your mind off that. Her hands were warm and soft. God you needed to stop thinking like this about a person you hardly knew!

"Do you feel that?" She asked in a whisper tone.

You didn't know what she was referring to. Was it her really soft hand? Or maybe the butterflies in your stomach right now? Or how your heart was fluttering a little faster with your hand comfortably underneath Missy's? No! She was probably referring to something else. There was no way she was feeling like this too. But then you had no idea what she was talking about.

"I...erm...I..I don't...feel anything..." you stuttered.

Yeah I can't feel anything other than your hand, you thought. You needed to stop! She was a friend. Hardly even that.

"Exactly" was what Missy said to your surprise.

"What?" You said at a complete loss, still trying to ignore Missy's hand.

"Well, this is a ship correct?" Missy smiled.

"Yeah?" You replied still just as confused as before, if not more.

"Well then why are there no vibrations? On a moving ship you would be able to feel the vibrations off the engines. You can't feel anything right. Meaning this ship...isn't moving at all" Missy concluded, letting go of your hand.

You frowned a little at the loss of her hand but nonetheless were really impressed by Missy's quick conclusions. She found all that out while you were just sitting there for the last few minutes feeling bored. You were never going to leave your phone in the TARDIS again.

"That was amazing. You found all that out really fast" you said, standing up.

Missy smiled and nodded in response and opened her mouth to say something back but was cut off before her sentence even begun by the door opening. You thought it would have been the doctor but quickly backed away as soon as you saw one of those robots again. There was no way you were going to let those things near you again.

"We must feed you. Dinner is this way" it said.

"Okay..we're coming. You just..stay there and don't come any closer to me" you said, trying to be authorising but your voice shaky, holding up a finger at the robot.

"Come on (y/n)" Missy called, staring at the robot, holding her hand out.

You moved towards her and the robot which was next to the door. You swallowed a little at the sight of it, the fear simmering. You took Missy's hand and went around and behind her, keeping yourself as far away as possible from that thing. She turned around also, placing both her hands on your shoulders as she walked beside you, still keeping an eye on that robot.

You felt safer with Missy standing in between you and that robot. You finally left that room in what felt like forever but in actuality was hardly ten minutes. You could see lots of people coming out of the rooms and down the corridors so you and Missy followed. You were a little uncomfortable at how many people there were but you managed to stay well away from them all, and with Missy holding you, you felt safe like there was nothing to worry about.

You followed the crowd until you entered what was a huge dining hall. It was like the great hall from Harry Potter except with several small tables scattered about. You gasped at the view, smiling at how grand this place was.

"Whoa" you breathed.

"Come on, I think they're serving dinner up there" Missy smiled, letting go of you and heading towards the pile of plates and food.

You smiled and just watched her for a few seconds. How did she just drop into your life? She was making you feel things in a way you haven't for so many years. And...those feelings scared you. They also made you feel so happy at the same time. You felt like you could trust her. But then again you felt that way about Jason at first.

"(Y/n)!" You heard the doctor call for you.

You turned and saw Yaz and the doctor. You smiled, heading over to them.

"Hey. Where are Ryan and Graham?" You asked.

"Haven't seen them" Yaz replied.

"We're here" you heard Graham say.

You all saw Ryan and Graham coming up to you. You smiled, greeting them all. Okay so no one was attacked or anything meaning they were probably just put in a room like you and Missy were.

"Missy's just up there, getting her dinner" you said, gesturing towards her.

"Well, I don't know about you guys but I'm getting myself something to eat" Graham said, heading towards the table of food.

You all chuckled, heading over as well. There was a lot to talk about during dinner. You needed to inform the doctor on the ship, but then again she probably already knows. And the others must have found stuff out too.

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