Waterfalls and picnics

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You squinted your eyes, stepping you properly with Graham and Ryan begins you. Your eyes quickly adjusted to the light and the view in front of you took your breath away.

The doctor described it well. Although it was simple it was true. The waterfalls went...up! It was incredible. The green area around you was filled with a lake of water below the waterfall, where the water was going up from. The water was beautifully clear, with a tint of blue. The cliff edge habited several different plants and trees on the wall.

"This..." you trailed off, staring up at the beauty  "is amazing....." you breathed.

The doctor smiled, placing her hands proudly on her hips.

"Well, I think this is a perfect spot for a picnic" the doctor smiled.

Non of you really replied as you just stood gawking at the up waterfall. Or the waterrise? But it was simply astonishing. You felt a light, almost undetectable spray of water on your face and the gentle rushing of the water was so peaceful.

You were so wrapped up in your thoughts and the admiration of the landscape that you didn't notice the doctor had gone in her TARDIS and had just come back out with a picnic blanket and a basket of food.

Your head turned around to her and you smiled, gasping.

"Oh yes please. Picnics!" You smiled, helping the doctor with the blanket.

You layer out the picnic blanket and put the basket in the middle. The doctor sat down first and garham sat next to her while Ryan sat opposite. You smiled, knowing you'd have to make Yaz sit next to the doctor...again.

You sat next to Ryan, leaving the empty space for Yaz to sit next to the alien. She hesitated, you were getting major deja vu Of when you forced her to sit next to the doctor at the grand hall with those two magnificent trees coming together. Although that adventure hadn't turned out the best of ways and you weren't really feeling great then but...focus on the positives right!

Yaz sat down next to the doctor, and as she crossed her legs, their legs brushed past each other, bringing a smile to Yaz's face and making the doctor stare at her briefly before turning back to you all.

You on the other hand were shuffling a little further back to stay away from the others, making sure you didn't get touched by anyone.

"Right! Picnic! I love a good picnic" the doctor smiled, taking out loads and loads of food.

You stared as the doctor kept pulling food out, like the basket was never ending.

"Doctor...how d'ya fit all that in one basket?" You asked, staring as she pulled out more and more food.

"Bigger on the inside" the doctor smirked.

You giggled, taking a strawberry from the pile of food and eating it. No one really seemed to mind but the doctor gave you a disgusted look to which you instantly froze, feeling really self conscious and confused.

"What?" You asked her, swallowing the strawberry.

"You're supposed to eat strawberry's after dipping them in this" The doctor said, pulling out a chocolate fountain from the basket.

Your eyes widened as you saw the chocolatey, frothy, dripping chocolate fountain in front of you.

"Is there anything you can't do" Yaz spoke, smiling at the doctor.

The doctor turned to see Yaz already looking at her, smiling at her even. The doctor's cheeks turned a faint rosey colour as she miles back. You smiled, picking up a few strawberries and dipping them gently into the chocolate liquid.

"Oh come on (y/n) you need to enjoy the chocolate a little more than that!" The doctor said, watching you eat your chocolate strawberries.

"What?" You asked confusedly.

But the doctor simply took a load of chocolates and dumped them in the chocolate fountain, drowning them in chocolate. You chocked a little on your food, staring eyes wide at it. The doctor started to take out some of the chocolate dripping strawberries, the brown liquid spilling over her hands.

"I think that's a little too much" you heard Graham smile as he munched on a sandwich.

"You can never have too much chocolate" Yaz smiled, watching the doctor closely.

"Right you are Yaz! Ten points to Yaz! Hang on...ughhh! I forgot about points again! Oh well" the doctor shrugged, getting it over really quickly when averting her attention back to the chocolate strawberry's.

She stared at them before placing about three in her mouth at once, making chocolate go everywhere, all over her mouth as she chewed, smiling. God she was like a small toddler.

"You erm...got a little something there..." Yaz smiled, pointing to her own mouth, gesturing that there was chocolate everywhere.

The doctor reached up, whipping her mouth only for more chocolate from her fingers to smudge on her face. Yaz chuckled, shaking her head. She got a napkin and shuffled closer to the doctor.

"Come here" she smiled, moving the napkin closer to the doctor's face.

Yaz started to clean the doctor's face, smiling as she did so. The doctor sat as still as a statue, shocked by the touch. You and the boys smiled at the two of them. Yaz cleaned the doctor up from the chocolatey mess and removed the napkin, staring at her lips for a few moments before looking up to the doctor's eyes. They locked eyes for a good few seconds, the two extremely close to each other.

Yaz cleared her throat and moved back, placing the napkin down and averting her gaze from the blond. The doctor also looked away, fiddling with her hands. You smirked, adding that to the 'successful nudge' list.

"So, whats this planet called doctor" Ryan asked, looking at the magnificent up waterfall.

"Planet xybris" The Doctor immediately replied, smiling at the waterfall.

"It's beautiful" you smiled, also smiling at the view.

It was unlike anything you'd ever seen before. It was beautiful. It was perfect. You felt right back at home with these guys. You, Graham and Ryan were helping with the doctor and Yaz to get closer just like you did nine years ago. And you were all sitting on an alien planet lightyears away from your own. It felt so right. It felt so needed. Even after all these years.

Especially after all these years.

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