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"Who are you to speak to us like this!" One of them shouted from behind you.

She moved forward, placing her hands on her hips, staring him in the eye.

"I'm the doctor! And those are my friends! So you'd better be very careful with those guns there because they're a little too close to their heads" the doctor said sternly at them.

You looked over to the doctor and the others, seeing that Graham and Ryan had an expression just as worried.

"I don't think you're exactly in the position to be making the decisions here!" The one behind Yaz snarled at her.

She glared at him, her eyes full of fury and fire. You could see she was trying to keep herself under control and not let the oncoming storm out.

"Doctor calm down. It's cool. I mean, it's not like I haven't been shot before" you said, trying to make her at least listen to you and avert her attention away from them.

"Yeah me too" Yaz said, staring at the doctor.

Your head snapped towards Yaz. An expression of disbelief on your face.

"You've been shot?" You questioned in surprise. "Spill the tea sister"

"I'm a police officer what do you expect" she looked over to you and smiled at your shocked face. "You?"

You sighed, looking down a little "lot of awful people in my life" you simply stated.

She frowned, furrowing her eyebrows but decided not to push the matter any further. She knew you had a rough life from a young age. They all did. It was just your current life they knew less about.

"This is stupid. We didn't do anything" you exclaimed in a huff, crossing your arms.

"Silence!" The man shouted from behind you.

Suddenly the man behind you shot his gun on the ground, incredibly close to your feet. You screamed at first, startled before You instantly shut up, raising your hands again in surrender. You held your breath, realising that this was no joke and they really could shoot you. The doctor held her hands in front of her, trying to calm the situation. You looked up at her, swallowing as the gun reached the side of your head again.

"We only need one hostage. I could shoot this one right now" The one behind Yaz threatened, pointing the gun at Yaz's head.

The doctor's face turned to dread as she made eye contact with Yaz.

"Okay. That's enough! We don't want any harm" the doctor said, slowly stepping closer.

"Then why would these two steal our precious gem stones. We saw them beside the stolen pile" the one behind Yaz snarled.

"'re wrong" you stuttered.

"(Y/n)'s right. We were simply taking a stroll when we saw the real thief run past us. We chased after them and found the pile. We went to look for them then noticed (y/n) was missing so Yaz went to look for her and she was at still at the pile of gem leaves. I'm sorry but we had nothing to do with the theft. But if you put down the guns, and give me back my friends we can help to capture the real thief" the doctor offered.

You heard them snarl as they thought. The doctor stepped slightly closer to both your frozen figures.

"Please. I can get you the real thief" the doctor said.

There was a brief silence in which none of you moved. Your mind was racing, thinking of any way you could get out of this. But having a gun pointing at Yaz as well wasn't helping and you knew she was thinking the same. You could easily knock the gun out of his hand but that would mean Yaz would get shot.

Then you heard the guns being lowered and moved your head to the side a little to see them by their sides and not pointing at you anymore.

"If you're lying. We won't hesitate to execute you all" One of them warned.

The doctor came forward and hugged Yaz while you all stepped away. You crouched down, releasing a breath you didn't realise you were holding. You silently thanked whatever god there was out there for stopping them.

"Are you okay" the doctor whispered while hugging Yaz.

"Yeah. Fine thanks. Just...bit shaken" Yaz sighed.

The doctor nodded, squeezing her once more before pulling away. She walked over to you, crouching down next to you.

"You okay?" She asked, reaching for your hand.

You instinctively moved your hand away from hers, keeping her from touching you, still not cool with the contact.

"Yeah." You smiled, chuckling a little between your breaths. "I tend to get blamed for a lot of things I didn't do"

You got up and the doctor followed, moving to the two yellow creatures.

"What are your names?" She asked them.

"I'm Plu and this is Clop" one of them said.

The doctor nodded. She moved over and started walking through the forest, searching through her pockets for something.

"I've got a device that can materialise a force field around the thief once we capture it" the doctor said.

You all followed her as she walked though the forest.

"How are we going to capture it?" Ryan asked.

"Well, there's a huge pile of the gems which it doesn't exactly want to leave behind. We stay under cover while we wait for it to return, then we captured it. See, easy" the doctor smiled.

You all followed until you could see the pile of gem stones again. The doctor moved over, pulling out several little circular devices and placing them around the pile.

"How d'you fit all of those in one pocket?" You asked.

She looked at you, smiling "bigger on the inside"

You giggled at that. Of course it was. Time lord technology and dimensional engineering. The doctor moved you all back behind a few bushes and trees.

"Right. Now we wait" the doctor whispered.

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