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You looked at her in shock, then back at the xnenon. Now that you looked properly, she did look pretty upset and sad. You sighed, reaching your hand out and stroking her fur to comfort her.

"Who's been taking them?" You asked, feeling the deep and strong breaths of the xnenon.

"She doesn't know who. She's just seen some of the other animals being captured" the doctor replied.

You couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She was probably one of the only animals left that hadn't been captured yet. Meaning she'd have seen loads of her friends been taken.

"Where was the last place you saw them? Maybe that would us a better chance of finding them" the doctor asked the xnenon.

She croaked a little, moving her head away from you all and stepping away from you. You didn't need the doctor to translate to you that she didn't want to go near that place.

"Please. We're going to help all those that have been taken. We just need you to point us in the right direction that's all" the doctor said "please, we need your help"

The xnenon groaned a little, causing the doctor to move over to her and stroke her soothingly.

"I won't let anything happen to you I promise" she said.

The xnenon didn't reply for a few seconds before groaning. Youheard her croak to the doctor and the doctor smiled and patted her in thanks. She turned back around to you all, giving you a smile.

"Come on then. Climb on. She's going to take us there" the doctor told you all.

You smiled, instantly going towards the xnenon. You actually wanted to fly her as well and the fact that you were allowed to was brilliant. You were already climbing back onto the xnenon when you heard Graham speak.

"What, we're just going to ride on her back? What if we fall? That's dangerous! And knowing (y/n) she probably will fall as well" Graham said.

You turned around with a very offended looking face.

"Hey, That was shady! I'm not going to fall! And what do you mean knowing me? Sure I'm a little clumsy and accident prone but I ain't gonna just fall! Also, I really want to fly. So come on you lot! You guys are all taking too long" you smiled, turning back around and climbing properly on her back, sitting straighter.

The doctor did give you a look, taking Graham's points on board. She considered not actually flying on the xnenon and just walking. You did tend to be accident prone. But walking would take too long and she'd keep an eye on you, quickly deciding to get on.

Everyone followed, Graham sighing as she got on. You smiled, behind Yaz and in front of Graham. The doctor was at the front and wanted to feel as much as the pilot as she could. Even though you couldn't pilot a xnenon. Control freak bells ringing.

"Right, off we go then. Hold on tight guys!" The doctor called back to you all.

"Yeah like we haven't been doing that already on the TARDIS" Ryan called back.

You all chuckled a little at that. The xnenon started to gallop through the floors before its beautiful wings came out and started to flap. You felt her legs kick off the ground and with the flap of her wings you took off. You grabbed onto her fur, looking down at the ground that was getting further and further away.

"We're flying!" Yaz exclaimed.

"This is awesome!" Ryan smiled.

The xnenon took you through the forest, weaving through the trees and dodging the branches. You were admiring the beautiful view but you couldn't help but notice that there weren't any other animals around. Who would want to take all of those animals? What for?

You sighed, clearly not going to find any answers just yet. You looked around, getting a feel of just how big those trees were. And when you looked into the sky, you could see the huge planet Dohn in the sky. The planet this moon orbited. It was huge! And there seemed to be some other, smaller and a lot more lifeless moons around it too. You wondered what that scene would look like at night when you could see everything much more clearly.

You were brought out of your thoughts as the end of a branch wacked your face, giving you a red cheek and sending a sharp pain through your face.

"Ow!" You yelped, grabbing onto your face. "Jesus!"

"Everything okay there?" Yaz asked, turning her head slightly so she could see you over her shoulder.

"Yeah, Yeah. Just some...branches" you mumbled, letting go of your fiery cheek.

You heard Graham and Ryan chuckling behind you, having seen all that. You also laughed a little at how accident prone you seemed to be. It was like everything was out to get you. You didn't do anything to those branches!

The xnenon started to decent and you all hung on tightly to her fur, feeling a funny sensation in your stomachs. Lucky for you, you really liked roller coasters and this felt a lot like one of those. You loved it.

The ground came closer and closer until the xnenons legs were stretched out and touched the floor. You all jumped at the bumpy landing, having nothing but your bare hands to keep yourselves on her back. She galloped onto the floor, slowing down her momentum. And eventually came to a halt, tucking her wings away.

The doctor quickly got off her back first, moving around to the front of the xnenon to face her. You all got off after, landing firmly on your feet and turning to look at the doctor.

The xnenon was croaking again to the doctor and the doctor kept giving her many pats and stokes of comfort. You watched her actions and the doctor gave her sympathetic looks, and seemed to reluctantly nod as she stopped talking to her. The doctor let go of her and she took a few steps, stretching out her wings and flying away. You watched her disappear through the forest before your attention turned back to the doctor.

"She was too scared to go any further. Told us this was where she saw them last, going in that direction" the doctor explained, pointing though some of the giant trees.

"Right then. Let's go find those creatures" Ryan said.

The doctor nodded, taking a deep breath and straightening herself up before she started to walk in that direction.

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