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You stared out at the place, not believing that you were actually seeing real life giants! You always thought of them as a fairy tale imagination. But here you were, standing with giants standing about. And the world itself was so beautiful!

It was like everything was proportioned for the giants. The trees were huge with fruits growing on them that were the size of big boulders. The leaves were a beautiful orange like in autumn on earth, except the leaves were huge. It was like this place was especially adapted for the giants. The trees were engrained with jewels that shone different colours brightly. It looked like you were in some sort of cliff edge and you could see over the forest. Giants were scattered around, stalking to each other and just enjoying their lives. There were mountains in the background with what looked like a white glacier over it, reflecting the sun. A wonderful river flowed through the trees and the whole thing looked so picturesque.

"This is...amazing.." Missy breathed.

You looked over to her and could practically see her eyes twinkling with wonder. Her smile was so beautiful and the sunlight made her blue eyes practically gleam. The wind blew stray stands of hair across her face and the light captured her features perfectly. You smiled at her, turning back around before she caught you staring.

"Yeah." You smiled.

"It's...a new place. A wonderful, new place" she smiled happily.

"It's beautiful" you smiled. "So...are you glad you came with me then?" You asked, smirking as you crossed your arms at Missy.

She smiled, rolling her eyes. She turned to you, finally ripping her eyes away from the view.

"Yes I'm glad. were right when you said I don't care about the rules. I just think they're there to be broken. It's honestly better to just not tell me about them because once I know I'm just the more determined to break them" Missy smiled.

You laughed at that, looking back out into the beautiful world.

"I can't agree more. I still can't believe how unlike the doctor you are" you smiled.

Missy turns back to the landscape, a huge smile spread across her face.

"Oh, the doctor likes to break rules too believe me! She's just trying to keep you safe that's all" Missy said.

"She doesn't need to keep me safe all the time though. I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself. She gets really angry when I break a single rule! I just wanna have some fun and explore" you told her. "I just don't understand why she's so overprotective. Literally every time I've wondered off, nothing bad has happened...I don't think...actually I might have to get back to you on that. I've walked off so many times I can't keep count. I don't think anything's happened before. Not that I can think off the top of my head anyways. But then there's a lot of times to think through..."

"(Y/n), she's lost people before because they wandered off and did their own thing. And each person she's lost it's hurt her. Take Clara for example, she...messed with the raven behind the doctor's back. The doctor told me about that. About how she thought she was just having some fun and helping others. And how she thought the doctor could fix everything. Clara died that day (y/n). Died. That's what she's trying to avoid." Missy told you.

You were a little taken aback. You never actually heard about how any of her previous companions left. You knew it was something bad but you never had an actual scenario put with it. And hearing it like that made it much clearer why the doctor was acting so serious with her rules with you. You were the one most likely to break them.

"I..I never really thought of it like that... I've never heard about how any of her companions passed before" you said, keeping your eyes fixed ahead of you on the scenery.

"She's trying to keep you safe. And alive. You humans are such fragile creatures. I'm glad she's being protective. She doesn't want to lose you too (y/n). And...I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." Missy said.

Your heart was beating really fast at that and you knew the butterflies were acting up. You could feel the red tint in your cheeks at the thought of her caring so much about you.

"I don't ever want to lose you (y/n)" Missy said in a soft tone, her voice as smooth as the wind gliding past you both.

You turned your head to her to find she was already watching you. You felt your heart going wild as you looked at her. The first thing your eyes focused on were her lips. You felt your throat go dry slightly and you gulped, licking your lips a little before looking up to reach her eyes. Time almost seemed to stand still as you both made eye contact. Like there was nothing else in the universe, just you and her in this moment. You didn't know she cared so much, didn't know she wanted you to stay so much. Why you? You were sure she wouldn't be this protective over the others. Maybe the doctor wasn't trying to tease you after all. Maybe she really did feel the same.

"Then...why did you let me break her no walking off rule if it was to keep me safe and not to lose me? And why'd you come with me?" You asked.

She smiled and looked out ahead of you to the scenery again. You did the same.

"Just because I don't want to lose you doesn't mean I want to follow the rules. I like to have fun just as much as you do. And I know you can look after yourself you're not a child. I'm not the doctor (y/n) I'm much more laid back." She grinned.

"Yeah I know" you giggled. "I still can't believe the amount of things you let me do which the doctor would never, ever allow. Thanks for coming up with me."

"You're welcome. It's as much of an adventure for me as it is for you. Just promise to be careful" she said.

"I promise" you smiled.

"Good. Because we have a lot of exploring to do. Come on"

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