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Missy turned around and started walking down the hill and away from the cliff edge. You followed her, careful not to fall into the several holes in the ground. You were laughing and looking forward to having some fun and exploring everything out here. When a giant walked by and the ground started shaking really violently considering you were now at the surface by the source of the shaking: the giants stepping.

Every step caused a huge shake causing you to loose your footing and trip backwards scream as you fell towards a hole in the ground. Luckily Missy grabbed your hand and, once again, yanked you back on your feet and away from the hole which you were about to fall through. She pulled you forward close to her until your bodies were pressed up to each other and her arm was wrapped around your waist keeping you upright. You were practically on your top toes from the sudden tanking forward and you were wrapping your arms around her neck, both your faces were millimetres away.

"You need to learn to stay on your feet" Missy laughed, holding you strongly in place.

You couldn't really comprehend anything she was saying. You were trying to calm your heart down after nearly falling again. But that didn't help when all you could feel was Missy's warm breath as she spoke, her face really close to yours. Your face instantly heated up and went a red colour. You swallowed as your eyes looked up and met hers. You were too stunned to do anything but stand there. Once the shaking stopped you broke away from her hold, looking away from her.

"S...sorry..." you mumbled.

"That's the third time I've had to do that and the second time on this planet. You're making me question whether you are capable of looking after yourself, you nearly fell down that hole there" Missy laughed.

"I am capable of looking after myself! I just...need to get away from these gaping holes" you said.

Missy laughed, nodding her head in agreement and gesturing you to follow her down. You decided to stick close to her just in case.

"Well that's two mysteries solved already" missy said as you went down the increasingly steep hill "the shaking was caused by these giants walking. Their steps caused the really big shaking. And then there's the mystery of those monsters, they're just the giants"

"Yeah. They don't seem to mind us being here at all. And they're not trying to disturb the underworld, they're just walking." You smiled "they're not monsters, they're just really nice giants"

"Should we go and meet one?" Missy asked.

Your face lit up and you looked at her, nodding really enthusiastically. She smiled, looking forward to find one of the closest giants so you wouldn't have to walk too far. Missy led the way to one of the closest giants which was about half way down the hill you were heading down on. There were two of them standing there, smiling and laughing together.

You quickly made your way down, making sure to hop over any holes in the ground. You couldn't help but smile all the way down the hill. Everything about this place was amazing already, the sun was so warm on your face and this place was so beautiful. You made your way to the two giants and they hadn't really noticed you yet, not surprising seeing as you didn't even make it to knee height up them.

"Hello giants! It's nice to meet you!" Missy shouted up at them, her Scottish accent laced with her words.

The two giants looked around at their own head height, trying to look for the source of the shouting in confusion.

"Who was that?" One of the giants asked.

The other giant just shrugged his shoulders at him, still looking around with furrowed brows.

"We're down here!" Missy called out for them again.

The giants looked down and caught sight of you. They looked intrigued and almost surprised and shocked at seeing you. They literally had to bend down loads to look at you properly, both you and Missy having to still look up. You waved your hand in the air, smiling at them.

"Hello?" One of them said.

"Hi!" You shouted back with a smile.

"Why..why are you so small?" The other giant asked.

You laughed at that. Okay, so they hadn't met anyone as small as you guys before then. Just as you hadn't met any giants before.

"Well why are you so tall?" You laughed "we're from underground. There's loads of small people like ya living underground. We came up know, explore the surface. And to have fun. And to meet wonderful people like you! Giants!" You told them happily.

"Giants? This one's the smallest in the family" the taller giant said, taking the other giant into a headlock.

The two playfully fought with each other, the taller one messing up the shorter ones hair while keeping him in place. You laughed at them, and couldn't believe how similar their behaviour was to people like you.

"So...are you two related then?" Missy asked.

This caused them to stop fighting, still laughing at each other. They bent down again to come closer to your height.

"Yes. He's my little brother, aren't you" the taller one said while hitting the other playfully.

The shorter one hit the other one back before
looked at you both, smiling really friendlily.

"My name's Ken, this is my older brother Loui. two are...?" Ken asked.

"(Y/n). And this is Missy" you smiled.

"How do you two know each other then?" Loui asked. "friends or more perhaps?" He playfully wriggled his eyebrows.

You looked between yourselves. Your cheeks were tinted red and you couldn't tell if it was your imagination or if Missy was also blushing. That was just out of embarrassment right? You really wanted to say you were more than just friends but...that would let your feelings for her out the bag.

"We're friends." You said, looking up at the two giants. "Really good friends"

"Yeah...friends..." Missy repeated after you.

You internally cursed yourself. What if she really did have feelings for you and now she thinks she's been friend zoned?! What if you just ruined your chances of even trying to ask her out? would ever have the courage to do that anyways...

"Well, if you're here to have fun, we know the best places to go. Come on" Ken said.

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