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The doctor took out her sonic from her coat pocket and walked out of the door with a dark look on her face. You all gave each other a worried look before following out. Before Yaz could get out though you stopped her.

"Yaz" you called for her.

She turned to you, clearly a lot more calmed down than before.

"Thank you" you said, smiling in gratitude.

She nodded "it's okay" she smiled, before turning back around.

You followed her back out of the office, following the others. You were all aware that the doctor was trying to keep her emotions in check. Her body was tense and angered that she almost lost Yaz. If that bullet had shot her she didn't know what she would have done. And she was not playing games anymore. She needed to stop those two. And save these creatures. And get you all back to the TARDIS and safe. All these thoughts were flying through the doctor's head all at once.

"One thing at a time" she whispered to herself, tightening her grip on her sonic as she fiddled with it.

You were all keeping your eyes out for the man and woman, passing several different caged up creatures. You sighed, really wishing that this would be over quickly.

You spotted something in the corner of your eye and when you saw it you instantly scrambled behind one of the cages out fo sight. You were trying to be really quiet but it was obvious your actions had been pretty dramatic and sudden, causing everyone to turn and look around. They found you crouching a little, trying your best to stay out of sight.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing?" The doctor asked.

"Shhh! Not so loud. They're right there. He still has the gun" you whispered, trying to look past the cage, your back to the doctor.

"They're going to get a talking from me!" The doctor half shouted, striding past the cage where you were hiding from.

You stared at her in disbelief as you watched her walk into the open. You refused to follow her, not wanting to get a bullet shot though you. Of all the pains you'd felt in your life, a bullet ripping through your skin was one of the worst. And you and Yaz had come so close to getting shot already today.

You stood up straighter, watching from the side. None of you were following her into the open again. Yaz took a few steps closer to the doctor but not enough for the man to be able to shoot her.

"Oi!" The doctor shouted down to the two.

They turned around, holding up their gun to her.

"That won't work on me. Bullets don't really do a lot to a time lord" she told them.

"Time lords are stuff of legend" the woman said in shock.

"The name's Doctor" she said "and I'm sure you've heard of me. And the things I do to people who try and hurt my friends"

The doctor wasn't raising her voice. Not once. It was just darkness laced in her voice. And that was the scariest thing. The way she would never once raise her voice. Suddenly you felt very glad that she'd never had a go like this with you.

" cant stop us!" The man shouted, still keeping his gun up, more in a protective manner now than a attacking one.

"Oh, is that what you think. I do believe on planet Dohn what you're doing is considered a crime. I'm just wondering how long it'll take for them to come here" the doctor said.

"What do you mean: they'll come here?" The man asked.

The doctor glared at them, a small smile on her face.

"I've sent out a message to the pharaoh of Doah, informing him of everything that's been going on here." She told them.

Their faces turned to dread. They glanced at each other in worry before turning back to the doctor.

"Please..he'll have us sentenced to death!" The woman begged.

"How they choose to punish you doesn't concern me, nor does it bother me." The doctor sneered, glaring coldly at them.

You were a little taken aback by that. She must really have been angry for her to say that.

"Or you could stop this all by releasing these animals. I can't guarantee anything but I'll have a word to reduce your sentence" the doctor offered in a tone which was a little lighter.

The two looked at each other and whispered to each other. You slowly peered your head around the corner and could see them talking. They were standing in front of some big controls system thing. And once they stopped talking the woman quickly pressed a few buttons on the control panel.

"What did you do?" The doctor asked.

You all suddenly heard an automated announcement that went along the lines of 'auto destruct set to destruct in five minutes'

You all looked up as the voice echoed around the warehouse. The whole place was about to explode!

"Why!" The doctor shouted in disbelief.

You saw a bright white light in the corner of our eye and looked back to the two. There were some guard like figures standing, quickly grabbing the gun off them.

"Mr and Mrs John And Lauraine Stacon, you are coming with us to the pharaoh of Dohn!" One of the guard announce.

The other guards grabbed and restrained the two. You could hear the announcement 'four minutes and thirty seconds till self destruct'

The large guard turned towards the doctor and you all stepped from behind the cages next to the doctor. The guard walked up to you all, worry in his eyes as he tried to keep a strong front.

"Doctor, what's going on?" He asked.

The doctor looked around in worry.

"Those two just set this place to explode. You need to go, now! I'll defuse it don't worry. But get yourselves back to Dohn. Go, don't ask questions!" The doctor commanded urgently.

"Yes ma'am" he replied, heading back to his troop.

You saw the bright light again and they were all gone. 'Three minutes till self destruction'. The doctor ran towards the control panel. You all followed hot on her heels.

"What do we do now?" Ryan asked.

"Defuse this bomb and get all these animals freed and safe" the doctor quickly replied.

This was going to be quite a challenge all in under three minutes.

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