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Your arms were feeling quite tired now as it turned out the others were pretty slow when it came to helping you out.

"Guys, not to sound needy or anything but...can you hurry up please! My arms are really starting to hurt" you told the team.

"And how exactly do we get there? You're hanging in the middle of nowhere. There's no branches or anything near you" Yaz said, moving across the arched roots.

You laughed a little, giving her a look.

"Swing!" You told her.

She scoffed, shaking her head.

"Oh come on! It's really fun! I am so going to be the next Tarzan! Female Tarzan" you laughed.

"What so we get stuck midair like you? Ha, no thanks" Yaz replied, refusing to go near the vines.

You laughed at that. You quickly stopped though when your slipped a little, your arms giving way a little. You let out a short scream, having to work ten times harder to grab onto vine again with aching arms.

"Okay, not kidding now. I don't know how much longer I can keep holding on! Although...if I let go, I ain't gonna get that hurt right?" You asked, looking down and trying to convince yourself that you wouldn't break something.

"Oi! You're not letting go! Hold on, I'll get there in a minute" the doctor told you. "I'm not having you injure yourself because you choose to jump!"

"I fell so many times as a kid on the monkey bars in the parks. I was too scared to move onto the next bar back then so I just jumped. Watch, I'll do it again. I won't get hurt I promise" you said.

"No!" The doctor shouted at you, grabbing onto a vine herself, feeling that might be the only way to get to you, and quickly.

Before she could swing herself though, you let go of the vine, bracing for a rough impact with the ground. You closed your eyes as you started to fall, your arms feeling a huge amount of relief. You expected to hit the ground but felt some strangely soft material collide with you. You opened your eyes and saw a beautiful, white and blue, almost horse-like creature that you were sitting on.

You held onto its soft fur as it galloped back to the ground. It had magnificent wings that helped it glide back towards the ground safely. It clearly jumped up and saved you. You couldn't help but feel warmed and a smile tugged on your lips.

As it landed it's wings tucked neatly away, allowing you to get off. You held on for a few seconds longer, making sure you were safely on the ground before letting go and getting off its back.

"(Y/n)! Are you okay?!" The doctor asked urgently, everyone scurrying towards you.

You kept a wonderful eye on the magnificent creature in front of you. It wasn't quite like a horse but it was the closest thing to compare it to. It seemed to have some sort of beak though.

"Yeah, I'm good. What is this thing?" You asked, never taking your eyes of the friendly creature.

The doctor scanned over you, seeing no injuries before she looked at it and smiled, reaching forward and stoking it's neck.

"This isn't an it! This is a she" the doctor told you, the creature leaning into the doctor's touch "this creature is called an xnenon"

You smiled, the xnenon was beautiful. And she was really friendly too. Plus she did save you from a big fall. She croaked a few times, and the doctor nodded along, as if she understood everything she was saying.

"Don't tell me, you know how to speak xnenon too?" Yaz asked.

The doctor nodded, earning a smile from Yaz.

"You can do everything. It's amazing" she said, watching the doctor for a few seconds before looking back at the xnenon.

"Thanks babe. You're amazing too" the doctor said, watching the xnenon.

The doctor listened very carefully to what the xnenon was saying. You admired the beauty of the creature. You kind of wanted to get back on it's back and fly on it again. Although the doctor would probably stop you from doing that or anything dangerous again. Even though you really wanted to have another go at swinging across the vines.

"We're travellers" the doctor said suddenly.

You all looked at her in confusion. But it quickly made sense that she was in fact talking to the xnenon and having a conversation with it. Hearing it all one sided though was a little strange.

The doctor's face started to change a little. She started to look a little more concerned. You started to worry a little, you always did when she did this...well, every time it wasn't when she was concerned about you that was.

She stood up straighter, still stroking the xnenon. She was looking around the forest, as if to find something. And the last time she did that was with a bloody weeping angel so that brought your worry to another level.

"Everything okay doctor?" You asked, watching her closely.

"Where's everyone?" She asked.

You furrowed your eyebrows. Of course there weren't going to be any people. You were in the middle of a forest! Everyone else looked just as confused as you were.

"I thought nature meant there wasn't supposed to be many people" Ryan said.

You nodded to what Ryan said, giving the doctor a look. She didn't look okay. She looked worried and confused.

"There's supposed to be loads of wildlife here. So, where are the other xnenons? Or all the other creatures?" She asked, still looking around.

"Well...maybe they decided to go into hiding because we turned up. I mean, I didn't exactly make the nicest entrance with me screaming and shouting on the vines and roots." You suggested, looking around the wonderful, gigantic forest.

The xnenon croaked again, speaking to the doctor. The doctor's head snapped towards it and her face changed to a hint of anger. She listened to everything the xnenon was saying and turned to you all, standing straighter when she stopped croaking.

"What is it?" Graham asked.

"Someone's been taking all the animals in the forest" she told you.

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