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You walked down, following behind Alana. You couldn't help but notice that there were less of those holes on the roof here, probably because they were covered up or something. This place was a lot more clean and habitable than the corridors were.

Alana took you down to a much more quiet place. There was hardly anyone where you were going now. The only people you could see were people who looked a lot like guards more than anything. You weren't surprised considering you were going to see a general which was the leader of this place and probably treated like royalty.

Alana led you to a big white door where four guard were stood. They stopped Alana and gave you all glares before turning back to Alana.

"Who are these people?" One of the guards said.

"They're here to talk with the general. This is the general of the Sirbe clan." She told the guard in an authoritative tone.

They looked at the doctor and all of you with a suspicious look.

"I've never heard of the Sirbe clan before" the guard said.

"It's not your place to ask! Now step aside" Alana said sternly. "That's an order!"

The guard sighed, giving you all one more look, scanning over you to make sure you weren't a threat. Once the guards all stepped aside Alana immediately opened the doors, allowing you all to follow her inside.

The place inside was magnificent. Everything was pristine white and well constructed. You could feel small vibrations and knew it was those shakes from earlier but this place was much more well constructed you could hardly feel anything. Up at the front was a huge throne with a guy sat on it. He had a load of papers in his lap and seemed like he was working really hard on something. You knew this guy was the general then. And beside his throne was a waterfall that collected in a huge crystal tub which somehow wasn't overflowing. You could see that the water was coming down from one of the holes in the roof. You really wanted to see what was through those holes now.

"General." Alana called when she walked up to him.

He looked at her, the papers still in his hands. Alana bowed then raised, turning to her side, gesturing to you all.

"The general Sirbe and her friends are here to have some talks with you" Alana said.

The doctor bowed out of respect and you all followed her lead, trying to act the part. Missy wasn't happy about the idea of bowing down to someone but the doctor gave her a light elbow to her leg, causing her to frown and mumble something under her breath before bowing herself. The doctor smirked at her friend's pout, and you couldn't help but smile a little yourself.

"Oh, please general, arise. Please don't bow down, you are a general we should treat you as such" the general said.

The doctor got up as did you all. The doctor smiled, standing straight.

"Please, call me the doctor. These are my friends, Missy, Ryan, Graham, my beautiful Yaz, and (y/n)" the doctor smiled, pointing at you all in turn.

Yaz blushed at the compliment the doctor slipped in. The general smiled, nodding in greeting.

"Pleasure to meet you all. Call me Szoch. I've...never heard about the Sirbe clan before. Where are you from and what can we help you with?" The general asked.

He seemed like a really nice guy, and the doctor smiled in return.

"Oh, we come from quite far away actually. You wouldn't have heard of us. We're just passing by, offering our services" the doctor smiled.

"Thank you doctor but I don't believe you and your friends can help." Szoch said with a frown.

"Oh, come on, we can help. Just, tell us your problems and we'll help out. That's what we're here for" the doctor insisted, trying to get some information out of him.

Szoch sighed, nodding his head while looking back at his paperwork. His hand was resting on his forehead as he looked at his work with a very stressed out face. His whole body was slouched in the chair and he looked like he really needed a break. You weren't surprised. He was the leader of this place there was probably loads of work he needs to get done.

"What would you all like to know?" He asked.

"Where's that waterfall coming from?" You peeped up.

The general looked up at you, and you knew everyone was staring at you. You smiled nervously, clearly everyone was a bit confused as to why you asked about that and not about the shaking or what was going on here or what you couldn't help with. But you really just wanted to know what was above those holes in the roof, and this was the only one which had water flowing through it, or anything flowing through t really.

The general looked over to the waterfall and he smiled at it. He pointed at it, explaining everything about it.

"This is our only water source. The water flows from the surface of the planet through this hole and down here. We pump the water across to everyone for their use. There are several holes like this that lead to the surface. Only this one brings us water however. We don't know why. We've never been up to the surface. Anyways, water isn't the problem we have, it's food. It's getting increasingly difficult to find food sources to feed everyone here" Szoch told you.

You furrowed your eyebrows, tearing your eyes away from the falling streaks of water. You always loved waterfalls, they were so beautiful. You looked back to the general with furrowed brows. So they had no idea what was up on the surface of the planet. They haven't been up once!

"Why haven't you gone up to the surface before? You know, just to explore, see what's up there. There might even be a food source for everyone" you asked.

He looked at you with an expression which looked more shocked than anything.

"You don't know about the surface?" He asked.

You shrugged your shoulders, shaking your head.

"We're not from around here remember" you smiled.

His eyes flashed with fear for a second and you knew everyone else saw it too. The doctor grew concerned as the general looked increasingly uncomfortable.

"There are monsters up there"

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