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You stared in half fear and Hal curiosity at the metallic figure.

", I'm all for upgrades but somehow I don't believe that's a good thing. Bitch I'm outta here" you said, turning and running out of the cave.

You ran as fast as you could, trying to find an exit to the cave. It wasn't difficult, there was only really one place to go, forward. And gradually you saw the light at the end of the tunnel. You ran towards it, faster and faster. Even though you couldn't hear or see anyone coming after you you felt the need to keep running and get as far away from that thing as possible.

You ran into the light of the outside, squinting your eyes at the sun. You kept running, not really slowing your pace down as you ran towards the people where you last saw Yaz. You ran frantically, looking around for Yaz. But before you could find anyone through the crowd of people you slammed right into a person, both of you stumbling back.

"I'm so sorry..." you said quickly, walking over to the person.

She turned around and it turned out to be the doctor herself. You breathed in relief, also trying to catch your breath.

"(Y/n) where were you I was worried sick!" The doctor said in a slightly raised and alarmed voice.

"Yeah, maybe later doc, there's this...thing..old man... people chanting.... god.... three elements ....  some spell.... metal thing... upgrades...." you panted chaotically, waving your hands about.

The doctor and the others looked utterly confused and slightly concerned. The doctor put her hands on your shoulders, making you stop rambling and look at her in the eye.

"Calm down. Start again. What happened" the doctor said slowly.

You took a few deep breaths, catching your breath fully.

"There was this old dude. He came up to me and said that their god was made of three elements, water, mud and ink. I didn't really understand it so I went after him for answers and-" The doctor cut you off angrily.

"You went off on your own! I told you not to wander off! And you, I thought I said look after her!" The doctor shouted, turning and looking at Yaz in anger, keeping her hands on your shoulders.

Yaz looked hurt for a moment, opening her mouth to answer but the doctor interjected.

"anything could have happened! I honestly thought for once I got a face people listened to!" The doctor said, turning back to you.

You'd never really seen her shout before and it took you back a little.

"It wasn't her fault.." you said, glancing at Yaz.

"We'll talk about this later!" The doctor snapped.

You gulped, looking down. You'd really messed up for her to be this angry with you, even at Yaz.

"Carry on" the doctor said, softer than before but still not cool, making you feel uneasy.

"Erm..I followed him into this cave. He didn't really say much or think much, like he was under some spell or trance thing. Then we can't go hundreds of people sitting and chanting in complete unison, like in a trance again. I was kinda creeped, they kept saying water mud and ink again. Then this metal man dude came up and was all like, you'll be upgraded! So I legged it" you said, gaining your composure by the end.

You looked up to a worried doctor. She took her hands off your shoulder, pacing around.

"Oh no, I knew it I did!" The doctor muttered quietly to herself.

She turned around to you, staring you in the eyes.

"Where's this cave?" The doctor asked.

"Over here" you answered, walking back.

The others all followed you, a tense silence between you all. You knew that the doctor was annoyed and angry, she definitely didn't want you wandering off. But you didn't really think she would take it this seriously and to be quite honest, you didn't like how she was treating you like a child. You knew how to look after yourself! You sighed, hanging your head as you retraced your steps to the cave. You soon shrugged it off, knowing not to dwell upon it and that you'll talk later.

You reached the cave and were about to step inside before the doctor stood in front of you, holding her arm in front of you as she stared into the dark cave entrance.

"I'll go first" the doctor said, taking out her sonic "stay behind me all of you"

You nodded, following her inside. You looked around the walls of the outside, the beautiful mosaic gems bringing a small smile to your face. You knew that you couldn't really feel sad for very long today.

"It's in there. That's where it was, the metal thing. But the chanting stopped" you whispered, looking ahead where you were only minutes ago.

The doctor stopped, staring ahead before stepping forward. You all followed her inside. What you saw surprised you. It was completely empty. No one was there. All those hundreds of people were gone, and so was that metal man.

"What..but..but..they were here. Hundreds of people they can't just disappear in a few minutes. And the metal man.." you stuttered, walking around the bare room.

"That metal man you keep talking about is called a cyber man" the doctor said as she scanned the room.

"And you just know that do you?" Graham asked.

The doctor didn't stop whatever she was doing.

"Doctor how do you know. You have no idea what it looked like. Metal man isn't the best description to base a guess on" Ryan said.

She didn't stop scanning, as if trying to avoid your looks. Then it hit you.

"Oooohhh." You stretches the word, nodding your head "you knew they were here didn't you?" You said, crossing your arms and raising a brow.

The doctor stopped scanning, frozen in her state, confirming your theory. You laughed, shaking your head and relaxing a little. Of course she knew. She always knows.

"I didn't know where" she replied before continuing to scan.

You shrugged, looking around as you saw looks of disbelief and annoyance from the others. You personally didn't care but the others obviously hated it when she brought them into danger without warning, saying it'll be a chilled out day. On another day you would be annoyed but you were in an excellent mood and couldn't care less.

"Right, they went this way" the doctor spoke up, breaking the silence.

You all followed her as she went deeper down the cave which seemed to go on forever. You wondered if other planets had concepts of bigger on the inside things too. Like Mary poppies bag but in real life. Or a TARDIS. But other alien civilisations had also figured out how to do it. You smiled at the thought.

Then you heard the heavy footsteps and knew immediately that those were the cyber mans. The doctor knew too as she stopped dead in her tracks with you all.

"Doctor" it spoke.

"Hello, new face. Like it" The doctor smiled.

You smiled too, finally getting a little more of the happier doctor you knew.

"You will all be upgraded. You will come with us" it said in a metallic voice as more came into view.

"Last time I ran. Guessing there's none of that this time" you whispered nervously.

The doctor still didn't look at you, smile at you or hold out her hand to comfort you. You knew that when she was angry like this she was definitely pissed! Looks like you were going to go with these cyber men.

13th Doctor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now