A shock

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You and the doctor was running for your lives, knowing that the whole warehouse could explode any second now. You were struggling to keep your breath but you didn't stop. Plus all the animals were running and flying behind you too, following your lead to the portal.

You kept following the doctor and you couldn't help but notice the countdown. It was counting down every second now and you had fourteen seconds left when the doctor stopped in front of where the invisible portal was.

She turned around to all the animals, waving her arms and gesturing the animals to go through.

"Come on you guys! There's a portal just here that will take you home!" The doctor called to all the animals.

The animals all followed the doctor's instructions, all of them sprinting between you and the doctor through the portal as they disappeared from your sight and back through to the forest. You watched them all go through and your heart rate picked up as the countdown got closer and closer to zero.


That was when the last animal flew through the portal. You and the doctor locked eyes. She got her sonic and scanned the whole place, smiling slightly and turning back to you.

"No more animals left. Just us to go through then" she smiled.

You both turned to the portal and started running towards it with the countdown echoing through your heads. And you were still running inside the warehouse.


You squinted your eyes as the bright sunlight hit your face. Your foot got caught on one of the tree roots hitting out of the ground and you went flying forward, falling on your stomach. It took a while for you to register what was happening and your breathing and heartbeat slowed down once you realised you couldn't hear the countdown anymore and you were no longer inside the warehouse.

You rolled over to your back, opening your eyes and seeing the wonderful trees towering over you. You instantly smiled and started to laugh at how close that was.

"That was great!" You exclaimed, laughing hard and clutching onto your stomach.

You feasted your head back on the ground, closing your eyes and smiling in peace as the sun warmed your face. You felt a shadow on your face and opened your eyes, seeing Graham standing over you.

"You're alright then" he smiled.

You sat up with a smile, standing up and turning around. The doctor was being hugged by Yaz and you couldn't really tell if she was able to breath or not by the squeezing. But everyone was glad to see you two both safe and sound and the animals were spreading out and enjoying being back home again.

"I timed how long you took to come back" You heard Yaz say.

She pulled away, looking at the doctor with a frown.

"You were literally one second off being blown up! I thought-" Yaz was cut off by the doctor leaning in and kissing her lips.

She was shocked at first but eventually melted into the kiss and just enjoyed that moment of holding the doctor safe and sound with her. It seemed that they were constantly on the verge of losing one another and this moment was a pleasant feeling. Her panic of almost loosing the doctor finally disappeared in that moment of love.

"I'm not going anywhere" the doctor whispered against her lips as they pulled away.

You smiled and stretched your arms, cracking a few fingers. You were finally all safe and sound. And that meant you could enjoy exploring the forest some more.

"Guys can we go explore around the forest. You know, without the threat of anyone trying to kill us anymore" you smiled.

The doctor instantly turned around, nodding frantically. She was hopping along the roots this time and it didn't take you long to realise that she was playing the floor is lava. You smiled, jumping onto one of the bigger roots. You climbed up its arch and smiled at her.

"The best way to avoid the lava is to swing! Come on you lot! It's really fun i promise" you smiled.

Everyone was a lot more on board with swinging along the vines this time round. The doctor was really enthusiastic and Ryan was totally on board with it. Yaz and Graham were a little more sceptical and instead went onto some of the birds, sitting on their backs as they flew along side you.

You grabbed ahold of one of the vines and were swinging through them. You saw some of those green gorillas swinging with you too, with Yaz and Graham flying along side you, the doctor and Ryan. You were having an absolute blast and you didn't realise just how far you'd Ben swinging.

You only realised once you saw the very familiar blue box standing beside one of the huge trees. You smiled, finally having a moment of just having a great time with everyone.

You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket beside you and you saw one of the big roots.

"Oh, my phones ringing!" You shouted, landing on the root with success.

That line made you laugh with happiness and you took out your phone, seeing that your sister, Jo was calling you. You smiled, picking it up.

"(Y/n)" you heard Jo say on the other end.

"Hey! Jo! Nice to have ya calling! You'll never guess what! I'm so going to be the next Tarzan!" You smiled, laughing hard and admiring the many animals.

"(Y/n), please listen to me. You need to sit down. I have something to tell you" she said.

"Sit down?! Imma swing my way through the jungle. I'm actually on a moon at the moment with a huge jungle and I can SWING!" You shouted, laughing as you saw the Ryan swinging between vines.

"Listen to me. (Y/n)...I..I'm so sorry...I'm so so sorry" you heard Jo starting to cry on the other end.

Your smile instantly fell and you became extremely concerned.

"Jo? Joanna, what's wrong?" You asked in worry.

"I'm so so sorry (y/n). I..it's your dad." She started to cry again and you became more anxious at the mention of your dad.

"What about him? Jo? Tell me!" You shouted in urgency.

"I've just got the call now. He overdosed. He's just passed away at the hospital" she told you in sobs.

And that was when the whole universe around you seemed to crumble away. You couldn't hear Jo crying on the other end of the call, telling you she was sorry. You couldn't hear the doctor call for you in concern. The only thing you could think about was the fact that your father was dead. Another family member left you.

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