Your real home

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You smiled, nodding. The doctor moved around the consoles before suddenly spinning on her heal, facing you with a bright smile.

"Where to?" She asked you.

" You're asking me?" You asked a little startled.

"Well you haven't chosen for nine years I think it's your go" she replied.

You stared at her, trying to think of somewhere to go. You shrugged your shoulders. You hadn't travelled in nine years, anywhere would be amazing. Anywhere and any when.

"Well..I mean...I don't know..." you stuttered, really having no idea of where to go.

"Well, how about we go to this planet where the water falls go up! Up!" The doctor gleamed.

You chuckled, nodding. It sounded like an awesome planet and an incredible sight to see. The doctor spun as she walked round the console, tapping different switches and spun the time Turner. You held onto the shard, awaiting the amazing shaky ride that you'd missed so much. The doctor reached the last leaver and pulled it down, sending you all through the time vortex.

Your heart was soaring, loving the feeling of being back. It was like you could breath to your full depth again. You missed this too much. You smiled brightly, for once in a long, long time feeling joy again. You were ecstatic! You were actually standing there on the TARDIS with the four most amazing people you'd ever known and loved.

The TARDIS came to that abrupt halt that it always did and the doctor clapped, jumping like a child. You unwrapped your arms from the golden shard, smiling at the woman.

"We're here guys!" The doctor smiled, pulling the leaver that flopped a few custard cremes in her hand.

"Doc you really shouldn't be eating so many of those" Graham said in a serious tone.

The doctor frowned before smirking and taking another bite to get a groan out of Graham. Ryan face palmed, staring at the blond alien.

"Do you ever eat anything other than this biscuits?" Ryan frowned.

The doctor shrugged her shoulders before pulling the leaver a few more times and stuffing them in her mouth. Yaz was simply giggling quietly, watching as the doctor overdid the portions of biscuits she ate.

"Okay Doctor that's not okay. You need to stop eating so many before you get ill" you said, smiled, shaking your head.

The doctor sighed, rolling her eyes and swallowing the bite in her mouth before raising another to her lips. She was such a child at times and you wondered how someone so old could have so much wonder and love and childishness still in her. And what baffled you more was the fact that she expressed her childishness happily.

"Doctor seriously. Don't eat that" you warned, crossing your arms as you stared between the doctors face and her hand with a custard crepe in it, slowly rising to her lips.

"You're all such party poopers! You used to like custard cremes (y/n)" the doctor said, before placing it in her mouth and breaking it half with her teeth.

You sighed "I grew up" you muttered.

The doctor froze for a fraction of a second, the feeling of guilt waving over her once again before she started to eat the rest of the biscuit.

"Doctor they're right. You need to stop eating so many of those it's not healthy" Yaz said, giggling a little at her friend.

The doctor sighed, putting the other biscuits down. Crumbs scattered around the lazily placed biscuits.

"Okay..." she sighed, staring at the biscuits.

" 'course you'd listen to her" Ryan mumbled, grinning.

You smirked as you saw the doctor's gaze avert from the sadly placed biscuits to Yaz's face. Yaz smiled back, making the doctor beam and turn around, hiding her slightly blush's cheeks which you caught a glimpse of. Yaz stayed staring at the back of the doctor's head, leaning on the controls, placing her head on her hand as she smiled, staring at her crush.

"Isn't there a planet out there for us?" You smiled, trying to change the subject to get their attention back.

The doctor spun around, glancing at Yaz who instantly stood up straight, looking away and clearing her throat, hoping the doctor didn't catch her staring at her. The doctor smiled, turning to you.

"Yes! Come on fam" the doctor beamed to you all, walking towards the doors with Yaz following closely behind.

You quickly called Ryan and Graham over, quietly making sure the doctor and Yaz were outside before you spoke.

"Are they together yet or...." you asked, gesturing towards the door.

Ryan snorted as Graham explained "no. They're still not confessing their feelings to each other"

"And have you two done anything yet to help them confess... or make them confess?" you asked as you eyed them.

They shook their heads, laughing a little. You sighed, closing your eyes and face palming. They really couldn't be trusted with handling the plan of getting the two together.

"Nine years on and we're still in the same place. Well, a week for y'all but still. Like I said, they're not going to get anywhere if we don't nudge them a little" you grinned.

The two nodded their heads before you all burst out laughing. You walked towards the doors and opened them, still wearing a broad smile on your face. Before you reached the door you heard Graham call your name.

"(Y/n)" he said quickly.

You turned around, smiling and facing him.

"It's good to have you back" he said.

You smiled more, even though your eyes flashed sadness for a second.

"It's better than good to be back" you said, smiling properly again.

The three of you smiled and nodded in appreciation. You turned around, taking of your hat and placing it just by the door by the bannister. You felt happy and right. Like you were back to your real home, to your real family.

"Don't want to lose this" you whispered to yourself, letting go of the hat.

You smiled, pulling the doors open to be hit with a warm glow of sunlight on your face.

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