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The first thing that hit you was the intense heat. You immediately sweltered, going back into the TARDIS.

You took off your hat and looked at your hoodie. You knew that if you took it off the doctor and the others would be able to see the scars over your flesh. They'd seen most of them when you were sixteen when you had that meltdown in court but you'd gained many, many more since then. And that would make the doctor want to have a word with you even more.

You sighed, knowing hey were going to see sooner or later. You took off your hoodie, leaving your sleeveless shirt. You sighed, looking down at your battered arms. Swallowing the lump in your throat you stepped back out.

"You alright (y/n)?" Ryan giggled "you didn't spend much time before you ran back in the TARDIS"

You nodded, blowing out some air from the heat. You walked towards the doctor who was smiling as she looked out to the landscape. It was a beautiful planet. The sky was a light brown colour with four suns, no wonder it was so warm. It was virtually all dessert with several buildings scattered about.

You noticed the others were staring at you and you sighed, cursing your damn scars.

"Guys can you at least try not to stare" you mumbled.

They instantly looked away, scratching the back of their necks and clearing their throats. The doctor however averted her gaze from the planet to you. She tried not to let her eyes widen too much.

"Who gave you the bruises?" She asked.

You furrowed your eyebrows, turning to look at your arms. The bruises of where your boyfriend had grabbed you harshly were fully formed and purple now. You sighed, remembering all the shit he put you through. You yourself couldn't even remember all of the hits he gave you and forgot about those bruises. It may have also been the alcohol messing with your memory. You did pass out from the drink.

"No one" you muttered, not reaching the doctor's gaze.

The doctor didn't move her eyes off you as you tried to ignore her. She was full of worry and concern now. She had no idea who did this to you and wasn't going to drop it so easily. The only thing that broke her gaze was the call of her name.

"Doctor!" You heard a voice call from behind you all.

You all spun around, searching for the source of the voice. You saw a man running towards you all and you instantly recognised who it was. It was JJ. And he looked pretty much the same since you last saw him.

"JJ!" The doctor replied, walking towards him.

The two hugged as they met and you all smiled at the little reunion.

"I got your letter. Good to know you've been well. We thought it would be nice to visit" the doctor said as she pulled away from the hug.

"It's nice to see you again mum. And nice to see you all again too" he smiled as he walked over to you all.

He smiled a nod to you all but his eyes stopped as they fixed on your figure. He scanned up and down your persona.

"If you're also staring at the scars I'm going to go inside and get my hoodie again. I'd rather boil to death then get looks from people" you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest uncomfortably.

He instantly looked away, stuttering.

"Erm..no it's not that. I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare. It's just...are you (y/n)?" He asked, looking back at you.

You smiled, waving a little.

"Hey" you said.

His eyes widened a little as his mouth parted slightly.

"You've grown" he said simply.

You sighed, crossing your arms as you gave the doctor a hard glare. She bowed her head in embarrassment and shame a little. You really didn't know if you were going to let this go hat easily. JJ turned around to look at his mother, glancing between you all, looking for answers.

"I may have piloted the TARDIS a little wrong and picked her up nine years too late" the doctor said, not reaching your eyes.

JJ chuckled a little as he looked at his mother.

"Did she give you a punch to the face then mum?" He laughed, pointing at his mothers slightly bruised jaw.

The doctor now gave you a hard glare.

"Erm...my..sister might have had something to do with that..." you mumbled.

"Well Id love for this to simply be a nice reunion and catching up session but doc there's something going on here" JJ said in a more serious tone.

This caught everyone's attention. You lifted your head and stared at him in curiosity. What was going on? The doctor seemed to be looking at him in concern.

"What is it? What's going on here?" The doctor asked as she walked around, scanning the area around her.

JJ looked worried at his mother, looking around himself too.

"People mum. People are going missing" he said.

Your heart stopped. You looked around you and noticed that their were hardly any people roaming the streets. There were only a few people in what looked like the middle of some alien shopping centre.

"People all across this area have been going missing. And we have no idea why those specific people. It's utterly random. There are people who haven't been seen for months" JJ explained. "Everyone's scared that they're next. No one'll talk about it out of fear of being taken"

The doctor paced a little, breathing a little more rapidly. He looked around her, trying to take in the fact that there weren't enough people like there usually are. She tried to make sure they weren't all hiding indoors or something but the buildings only had a few people in them.

"Okay. Jenny I need you to concentrate for me" The doctor said in a soft yet urgent voice as she placed both hands on his shoulders, forcing him to make eye contact "do you know what is taking these people? Have you seen it?"

He looked worriedly at his mother "yes"

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