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It had been around a week since the argument and you were all on great terms again. Your hand had healed well, leaving a visible scar however and although no bandages remained, it was still often a little stiff.

You were all currently in the library, sitting in a circle holding uno cards and playing. In this particular game you had to pass cards until one of you got a full house. That person then slams their hand on the ground and everyone else stops passing cards and slams their hands on top. The last person with their hand down is the loser.

"I'm not getting any full houses this isn't fair! (Y/n) pass me some good cards!" The doctor pouted.

She was sat cross legged next to you and with Yaz on the other side of her. Graham was next to you with Ryan sitting in between Yaz and Graham. You giggled at the doctors face, knowing she had a really competitive side.

You passed a card on to the doctor as you quickly took the card Graham gave you, observing them all. You smiled, knowing you weren't going to let the doctor keep a full house, taking a mental note of which cards you were giving her, making sure never to give two the same.

Suddenly Ryan's hand hit the ground in the middle of the circle. Yaz quickly put her hand down, with the doctor quickly following. You swiftly put your hand on top with Graham slapping the top of your hand really hard.

"Ouch! Graham that hurt!" You squealed, taking your hand off and rubbing it.

He looked guiltily but you started to all laugh, smiling.

"You lose Graham!" The doctor smiled.

You giggled, looking over to Graham's disappointed look.

"How about we play with a normal deck. Anyone heard of cheat?" You smiled, gathering up the uni cards.

"Yeah!" Yaz and Ryan smiled excitedly.

You looked over to Graham who was nodding a yes then over to the doctor. She wasn't really quite sure she'd heard of the game.

"Seriously doctor?! You're 2000 years old and you've barely played any card games" you shook your head, bringing out the normal pack and shuffled them.

"I've been busy!" The doctor protested.

You laughed, handing out the cards to everyone.

"Okay so, basically one person puts down a card. Now you can put down as many of the same cards you have. The objective is to get rid of all the cards you have. Once someone has put their cards down, the next person puts down a card either the same value or one up or down to that card, as many of those as they have. Now, you can cheat by putting down more cards and claiming them to be the same cards. Anyone can call your cheat out if they suspect something. To which you turn over those cards and if they weren't a cheat, the other person takes all those cards. If it was a cheat then you take all those cards. First person to get rid of all the cards wins" you explained.

The doctor nodded excitably. You all looked at your cards. You smiled, knowing already you were going to have to cheat loads. Your cards were almost all different. Graham put down the first two cards.

"Two queens" he said, putting in his poker face.

You looked around. No one seemed to be calling a cheat and you only had one queen so he could definitely be telling the truth. Ryan put down one card after Graham, going around the circle.

"One Jack" he claimed.

Yaz seemed to be smiling a lot, obviously getting ready for her move. She moved three cards down.

"Three jacks" she smiled.

You looked down at your cards. You didn't have any jacks so they were probably not cheats. Even if it was, there'd be no way of knowing if Ryan it Yaz cheated so you didn't say anything.

You waited for the doctor to put down some cards, still staring at your cards. But you didn't hear the doctor put down her card. You smiled, thinking that she probably didn't know how the game worked. You looked up and saw the doctor staring at Yaz, smiling, leaving the game forgotten about.

"Erm...Doctor it's your go. And if you're still trying to read yaz's poker face there's no point, she's awesome at this game" you said.

"Huh..oh yeah, my go" The doctor looked away, smiling then concentrating on her cards.

You giggled, watching as she put down four cards.

"Four nines" The doctor said, straightening her face.

You stared suspiciously at her. The chances of her getting all four nines in the pack were very unlikely. You looked down and saw you didn't have any nines so didn't have anything against her to call the cheat. But Ryan seemed confident.

"Cheat! There's no way you got all four!" Ryan smiled, turning over the cards.

As each turned they all started to reveal nines, making Ryan's face fall from confident to doubtful. He turned the last card and saw a nine. He sighed. You giggled, looking over to the doctor who had a very smug face. Ryan took all the cards up and it was your go.

"Three eights" you said, keeping a straight face as you placed them down.

You kept a good poker face, not giving anything away. The doctor eyes you suspiciously, looking down at her cards then back at you. She slowly started to move closer to you as you tried to move away, letting a smile tug at your lips.

"What cards do you have (y/n)?" The doctor asked as she started to lean in closer, reaching for your cards.

You squealed, trying to push her away while holding the cards close to you.

"You can't look! That's against the rules!" You giggled.

You all laughed as the doctor pulled back pouting like a child. Graham quickly vetted the attention back to him. And the game went around a few times with the doctor trying to look at everyone's cards like a child. You once tried to look at her cards to which the doctor refused to show, hiding her cards defensively. Now it was yaz's turn, and the pile in the centre was growing increasingly large.

Yaz pulled a straight poker face, putting down three cards.

"Three aces" she said.

The doctor smiled, looking at her cards. You knew immediately what was coming.

"Cheat! I have two aces how can you have three! Cheat cheat cheater!" The doctor smiled, turning the cards.

One revealed an ace whereas another revealed a king. The doctor giggled in excitement , throwing her arms about, whereas Yaz sighed, picking up the cards. The doctors face changed from exited to saddened and guilty as soon as she started to pick up the huge heap of cards.

"No, no, wait! I'll take the cards there's no need for you to take them" the doctor exclaimed quickly, taking the cards from Yaz.

"It's fine doctor really" Yaz smiled.

"Hey, no fair! You didn't take the cards when I had to take them all!" Ryan exasperated, throwing his arms up. "You favour Yaz then" he crossed his arms playfully, smiling.

You giggled at his reaction. The doctor paused, her hands still in Yaz's, entangled in cards. They locked eyes for a few seconds before they looked away, the doctor retracting her hands from each other. The doctor cleared her throat, putting the cards down.

"Right gang. That's enough of the whole sitting around playing cards. Anyone for a fun planet?" The doctor smiled, standing up.

You, Ryan and Graham smiled knowingly at the two. You all stood up, following the doctor out to the console room.

13th Doctor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now