Old house

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You all followed the doctor, moving closer to the house which looked ten times bigger when you were up close to it. The creepy vibes got more prominent as well as even the air seemed to get cooler.

"I'm really creeped out" Graham shuddered a little.

You smiled, looking at him "I love horror movies and stuff like this. We should watch a horror movie together some time" you said.

"I'd like that!" The doctor said excitably. "It reminds me of some of the adventures I've been on. Except I manage to save the majority of people and no one usually dies"

The doctor rambled a little as you all reached the door. It was wooden and slightly broken at the edges, the paint chipping off. You all stared at it, none of you really making a move. No one except Graham was owning up to the fact that you were all kinda creeped out and scared. You rolled your eyes, feeling a responsibility to open it and prove that you weren't scared.

You reached for the door, giving it a slight push, earning the most creeks and squeaks a door could ever give as it gently flung open.

"Right then. In we go I guess" the doctor shrugged her shoulders.

She stepped inside, you all following closely behind her. It was dark and dusty, cobwebs filled the place. You all stepped forward a little, feeling the creaking floorboards echo under your feet, adding to the creepy atmosphere. The doctor held onto Yaz's hand, intertwining their fingers while she tried to comfort her a little and reassure her. the doctor squeezed her hand, holding tightly onto her.

"This place is huge" you said, looking around you, your voice echoing in the vastness.

It was practically a mansion, the huge stairway in the middle of the room, leading up to a big upper few floors. You weren't completely sure the upper floors were stable enough to carry a person, seeing as there was some broken parts, enabling you to see right through the floor. Also, on the floorboards you were standing on yourself they were broken too, allowing some of the sand to flow through. You weren't sure if it was just your imagination or maybe even the awful lighting in the room, but the sand looked darker. It was difficult to explain but it just seemed....different.

"Well, lets go explore this place. Someone wealthy must have lived here" you said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah. And considering this is a planet with a thriving community with actual people living here still, why did they leave? Where did all these people go?" The doctor asked.

You looked back at her, swallowing a little. That was a good point. This building was magnificent and it was strange to think that people just left it for no reason.

"Maybe they got lonely. There's no one round for miles" Ryan suggested.

"Why do you think that is?" The doctor said.

You rolled our eyes, trying not to think about all the creepy stuff the doctor kept bringing up. There was definitely something weird going on here but you didn't really want to focus on that.

"Hey, lets go look around this huge place then" you said in a little too smily tone.

"Sure!" The doctor's face lit up a little again, that spark of curiosity and adventure creeping up. "Good idea. Right. Maybe we'll find out what happened if we look around. Ryan, Graham and (y/n) take the left side. Me and Yaz'll take the right side. Meet back at the entrance here in fifteen minutes to report back." The doctor said quickly.

You smiled, nodding and turning to go explore the maze of a house. But just as you were about to walk around the doctor called out for you.

"And shout for me if you need me! Don't touch anything!" She shouted, walking off with Yaz.

You chuckled a little, of course she'd warn you all first. You loved the whole perspective of being in a characters position in a horror movie. It was a little strange to be enjoying this but you couldn't help it.

You walked down with Ryan and Graham before you turned a corner saw several different doors down a large hallway. You shrugged, all of you splitting up and looking in different rooms.

You picked one which had a strange looking yellow door. You tired to open the door but it didn't take very long for part of the door to break in its weak state and fly open.

"I..I'll pay for the damage!" You said really quickly, holding up your arms.

You looked around, realising there was no need for you to have said that. You smiled, laughing a little bit at your own quick reactions about fixing any damage you'd caused. You'd picked that trait up when once you were in an airport and when you turned around you accidentally knocked a mug off a shop's display, completely breaking it to smithereens.

"I'm so weird" you whispered, shaking your head as you smiled at that memory and putting your hands down by your side.

You walked inside, coughing a little as a cloud of dust rose with every step, setting off like fireworks in your face and catching at the back of your throat. You stepped forward, using your sleeves to cover your mouth. The only light coming into the room was the light seeping though the window which was smothered in dust.

"How long has this place been abandoned?" You questioned, breaking some cobwebs as you moved further into the room.

There was nothing really special in there. It looked like it was some type of living room or a snug room. Several chairs sat comfortably around the room, a few tables scattered around on top of the rug that was collecting an increasing amount of dust.

You walked further into the room, looking around for anything that might tell you what happened here. You stopped in your tracks when you saw something on one of the tables. It was a cup of some beverage that looked a lot like tea. You were slightly confused at first and then looked closer at it. It looked completely normal, like someone just left it there, untouched and forgotten about. Like everyone here left everything they had and were doing.

You moved closer to it, placing your hand on the cup. It was stone cold. Clearly no one had been around this for a while and that conclusion was further supported by the fine layer of dust you picked up on your hand after touching it.

"Ew, gross" you complained, looking around for somewhere to while your hand.

In doing so you found a thin, perfectly straight gal in the wall, like another door was hidden behind there. You moved towards it, placing your hand at the gap. It was too dark and the gap was too thin for you to be able to see anything through it.

So you decided upon trying to break down the door, hitting the wall. It didn't seem stable at all, like it was made of a thin layer of wood or something, and not brick. And it easily broke.

"Lovely" you breathed, whipping your hands on your trousers.

There was a small bit of the sand you'd seen earlier in that room too which you quickly ignored, turning back to the new found room.

You kicked down the last bits of wood, looking inside. Inside you saw a spiral staircase leading up to the first floor above you. You looked up at the stairs, smiling to yourself at your discovery.

"Now why would someone want to hide this?"

13th Doctor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now