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"We can't talk out in the open like this. Come with me" he said quietly, walking down the street.

You felt increasingly uncomfortable at the thought of getting kidnapped. You subconsciously moved a little closer to the doctor, careful not to touch her. But it was always reassuring to have her a little closer.

You walked into a alleyway and JJ crawled through a small hold blasted in the side of a building. The doctor crawled in after and you followed suit with the others behind you.

It was mildly dark inside. The only light was from the windows which had slightly broken glass, at the top of the building. There were a few computers lined up on the desks. They didn't seem to be working and just like everything else in the building, wasn't the best of quality. The floor wasn't carpeted or paved or anything, and the sandy desert floor came up into the air a little, catching at the back of your throat.

"Right. We can talk properly in here." JJ said, still being a little quiet.

"What's taking the people?" The doctor asked urgently.

"These tree people doctor. I don't know how to explain it to you. They are made of fully organic matter, and are adapted exactly like a tree. Wood, bark that's extremely thick and hard. Literally nothing can get through that. I had files on them and the missing people on the computers but...they lost power and won't work" JJ said, gesturing towards the computers.

The doctor moved towards them, grabbing a few computers, inspecting them. She got out her sonic and started messing with the wires.

"Mum I've tried to get them to work there's no use" JJ sighed.

"Watch me Jenny Healer!" The doctor smiled as she fiddled with the computers.

You smiled, watching as she soniced the computers. She fiddled with the sonic again and the computer screens sprung to life.

"There we go!" She grinned widely. "Still got a lot to learn Jenny"

He smiled, getting onto one of the computers. The doctor got on another one and they both were searching away. JJ was looking for a picture of the creatures that were taking the people. He watched the screen in concentration as he searched for it.

"Here! Doctor there's a picture of the creature" JJ announced, shuffling the computer in the doctor's direction. "It's a beautiful creature of you ask me" he smiled, admiring the beautiful creature.

She got off her own computer and shifted her gaze to the other computer. Her face instantly fell as her body tensed. You could all see the worry in her eyes grow.

"Doctor?" Yaz asked, stepping forward a little "What is it?"

"This is not good. Not good at all..." she breathed, staring at the screen.

"Doc?" Graham asked, worry laced in his voice.

She straightened up a little, turning around to face you all.

"These are a race called the wroah. They're one of the deadliest assassins in the known universe." She explained worriedly "thing is. The thing that makes them such good assassins is that they travel in fleets..erm...groups. They work together. But one on its shouldn't be too hard to take down. But the fact it's already taken so many people..." the doctor trailed off, turning to face her own computer in worry.

You looked around to the others, making a worried eye contact. The doctor was using her sonic and scanning several files on different people. The files were being scrambled together on the screen as though searching through each one of them for something.

"What are you doing?" Ryan asked.

The doctor continued to scan, looking down at her sonic.

"I'm looking for something, anything that's connecting all these people together. It can't be random there must be something the wroah are looking for with all these people" she explained.

The screens stopped and a light flickered with small writing in it in the screen. The doctor gasped, leaning forward to read it.

"Fights" The doctor muttered.

"What?" JJ asked.

She spun on her heal, facing you all.

"The people who were taken, each of them, the last time they were seen was when they were fighting with each other." The doctor explained.

You furrowed your brows. Why would someone want to take people who were fighting with each other. What for? Was it because the wroah wanted to get rid of all havoc in the world? It's a strange way to bring peace.

"Where have they been taken to then?" Graham asked.

The doctor murmured to herself as she paced a little. She suddenly turned around to you all, smiling slightly.

"Only one way to find out. Let's get taken" she smiled.

You sighed, walking with her as she crawled out of the hole and into the open again.

"How are we going to do that?" You asked, standing up outside with the others closely behind.

She turned around, an expression on her face which you couldn't quite read.

"We need to get into a fight." She said. "Right, someone, hit me"

You all stood, staring at her stunned, eyes wide. Did she really just say that?

"W..what.." you stuttered.

She stared right back at you, tilting her head a little to the side.

"Hit me, in the face. Come on" she smiled, sticking her face out a little.

Non of you moved, stunned at her... eagerness??

"Doctor you've already got a bruise on your face we don't need another one" Yaz sighed, shaking her head as she looked on in shock.

"Well this is the only way we're going to save these people and find out what happened to them all. Or do I need to start the fight?" She asked.

Non of you really moved so she rolled her eyes. As she started to walk towards you, cracking her fingers you instantly backed away. She sighed, changing her route to go towards Ryan. He and Graham were having non of it as they backed up real quick. She looked at Yaz briefly before swiftly deciding not to hurt her. She sighed, walking towards JJ.

"Sorry. But I'm going to have to hit you. I'll try be gentle. Just..hit me back. Make it look like a real fight. You guys all need to join in, either you're going to hit us too or try pull us apart, make sure you're a part of the fight" the doctor ordered as she walked closer to JJ.

She sighed and before you could blink, her knee hit JJ's stomach and he went coughing and spluttering to the ground as he smacked the doctor.

13th Doctor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now