That's the Way the Story Goes

Start from the beginning

"Why don't you have some water?" Gi asks me, Tom still has my arm in his grip. I shake my head.

"I need to find Harry." I say. I get Tom off my arm and stumble away.

It's very crowded and very hot in here, and I can feel my ears heating up. I push through people to the middle of the dance floor.

"Georgia! Danny!" I call. They look over at me, but continue dancing. They're obviously pretty drunk as well, but Danny's always been an energetic drunk.

But you probably already know that. Because of, you know, the Pisco situation.

"Have you seen Harry?" I ask.

"He's with Dougie!" Georgia calls, and it's like I'm not even there anymore. I sigh. I haven't been this drunk in a long time.

So more walking it is, and when I finally make it to the corner Dougie and Frankie were in together not too long ago, I realize Dougie is no longer there. I walk up to his girlfriend anyways.

"Frankie!" I say. My throat is starting to hurt from all the yelling I'm doing. "Do you know where Harry is?"

"Dougie pulled him away to talk to him. Said I couldn't go." She says, obviously pissed. Understandable.

I don't care what they're talking about or doing, I need to leave. I walk towards the toilets to try and see if Harry and Dougie are in there, not caring about the logistics of me not supposed to be going in the men's restroom.

Before I can push the door, someone tugs on my arm and turns me around. I lose my balance and stumble forward a bit. I feel like I have whiplash.

But I look up, and it's Harry. He's sweating and his eyes are completely red where they should be white.

"We need to go." He says, still firmly holding my arm and dragging me outside. My breathing picks up, not only because we're walking quickly, but also because I'm getting worried.

Danny was an energetic drunk, but Harry was and angry one, and I could tell by the way his brows furrowed his attitude was ferrel.

As we continue to walk quickly through the cold air out to the parking lot, I hear the beep of Harry's car unlocking.

I may be drunk, but I know that I can't get in a car with Harry right now.

"Harry! What are you-" I begin, but he opens the passenger door and forces me in. I bang on the window and yell his name, but he just stamps over to the other side. I try and unlock the door, but it won't budge.

Harry joins me in the car and shoves his key in the ignition.

"Harry, stop!" I yell, as he pulls out of his parking spot and scratches the car next to him.

"Fuck!" He yells loudly, startling me, but continuing to back up. He gets onto the road and starts driving fast. Too fast.

"Harry pull over! You need to pull over we're-"

"Shut up, Lilly!" He says. I know this isn't how Harry would be. It's the alcohol and-

What did Dougie tell him?

"Harry, pull over and we can talk." I say, trying to get him to listen to me.

"I can't!" He roars, swerving on the road. I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me, and I grab onto the door, steadying myself.

"Harry, listen to me. When I was a little girl my parents died in a car accident. Things like this are really dangerous. You have to stop driving." I say firmly, trying not to sound scared. Harry says nothing, but he swerve into the oncoming lane. There aren't any cars on the road, but as soon as one comes into view we'll be screwed.

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