This Time Around

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"Oh thank you!" They say. I nod, moving to the next few people.

After talking with all these fans, I can't believe how invested they are. There are people who've traveled hours...even people who came from New Zealand just to enjoy McFly's music for a couple hours.

After videotaping many fans, I head back to the dressing room where all the boys are basically ready.

"Hey guys." I say, opening the door. "Listen, I need you all to do something."

"What?" Tom asks.

"I know you guys go on in like half an hour, but you really need to go outside and meet some of these fans." I say.

"What? Why?" Harry asks. "Not that I don't want to...but we never have done something like this."

"I know." I say. "But the people out there have been waiting to see you perform live since like 2003. I'm talking pre Room on the Third Floor era." I shrug. "Plus they've traveled hours from all over Australia and New Zealand. It's seriously crazy. Just...take a guard, go out for like fifteen minutes. Give some hugs, work your charm and then get ready to go on."

"Is this a good idea?" Danny asks. "I'm just worried about performance wise."

"Probably." I smile, and shoo them out the door. I send a guard out with them, and as soon as they step out I hear screams of joy. I smile to myself.


The boys had a successful time meeting the fans, and they were so happy that I could see the smiles on their faces from behind the wings. I smile to myself, thinking about how much joy the boys spread, but my smile instantly fades when I turn around to be greeted by three members of McFly backstage.

They go on in ten minutes.

"Where's Dougie?" I ask the other three over the chanting from beyond the stage.

"I think he's on the other side." Danny says shrugging. Seems odd.

"Do you know he's on the other side?" I ask.

"No but-" He starts. But that's all I need to hear before I run off.

I check the other side of the stage. He's not there. He's not onstage, he's not in the hallway behind the stage and he's not in the bathrooms. Why would he not be backstage? It couldn't be because he was nervous...could it? I mean he'd done this fine two times before so why would he be nervous now? That couldn't be it...I hope it isn't anything serious.

I bust through the dressing room door quite ungracefully and immediately see Dougie lying on the floor with his eyes closed.

"Dougie!" I exclaim, kneeling down next to him. Was he unconscious?

"I'm not dead." He says, not opening his eyes.

"What are you doing?" I ask. "You have to be onstage in seven minutes!"

"I can't move." He says, still not opening his eyes.

"What? Why? Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm drunk." He says.

"What do you mean?"

"Lilly if I get up I will pass out. I can't even open my eyes. It's too bright." He says.

"What did you drink? Battery acid?" I ask.

"No...Just some beers." He says. But I know this is a lie. There's no way he'd be this drunk from a few beers.

"Dougie you have to get up." I say, pulling his arm.

"I can't." He says.

"Dougie!" I exclaim.

"What am I supposed to do?" He asks, starting to get annoyed. I start to feel like I'm going to cry. Not because he's angry, or I'm angry but because I'm worried. These people travel far and wide to see all the members of McFly perform. Plus, they just saw Dougie outside. They'll never believe he's not well. I'm freaking out.

I look around and spot a pitcher of water on a cart near the door. I pour Dougie a glass and put it on the floor next to me. I grab his upper body with all my might and pull him to sit up and lean against the couch.

"Lilly I'll be sick." He says.

"Then be sick." I reply. I grab the water and he still hasn't opened his eyes. I put the water up to his mouth. "Drink. Now." I instruct. He drinks the whole thing, and then I stand, holding his hands. "Ready?"

"No." He says.

"One, two, three." I count, ignoring him and pulling his body to stand up. He groans and stumbles, but I hold him steady by his shoulders. "Don't fall." I say. I put my hands on his face, which is hot. "Open your eyes."

"Lilly, I can't." He says.

"You can." I say, sternly. He breathes, and opens his eyes slowly and not very wide. I immediately pull him towards the wings, and we make it just in time for the beginning of the show.

I kept my hands in fists that whole show. That's the first time I've done that since the boys performed for the Queen in 2005. But luckily Dougie made it through the whole show, and the only thing harmed where my palms from my nails digging into them. Dougie actually seemed pretty much sobered up after the show, but I was still feeling high strung.

When we got back to the flat, as Dougie and I were pulling down the bed I stopped and looked at him.

"What did you drink?" I ask.

"Five beers. And some shots." He says. My mouth drops.

"Dougie you were backstage for like two hours! You had five beers in two hours?" I exclaimed.

"Yes." He says monotonously.

"You can't do that!" I exclaim getting angry. "That's so...stupid! What were you thinking?"

"If you're going to yell at me then you have to yell at Harry too! He drank just as much as me!" Dougie says, starting to raise his voice as well.

"Well Harry wasn't laying on the floor unable to move!" I yell.

"So?" He asks.

"So you can't drink as much as Harry, Dougie! That's not an excuse! You're not as big as he is!" I say.

"Of course that's the answer." He says, rolling his eyes, and I start to get even angrier.

"I'm sorry you're not four inches taller and two and a half stones heavier, Dougie!" I yell. "Life isn't fair! But what you did was unacceptable!"

"I was living my life! I was having fun and I got onstage, alright! So I don't need to be scolded by my girlfriend!" He yells.

I tried. I tried so hard never to get mad at Dougie for partying, or drinking, or leaving me alone, but when it interrupted with work...enough was enough.

"I was your manager before I was your girlfriend." I say, before getting into bed and facing away from him.


Wonderland // McFlyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang