Part 9: Prank or Haters?

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All eyes on her. Casey only keeps her head down, looking on the dirty floor of the cafeteria. She and Milly walking towards the table that they used to sit for lunch. 

People still looking at her. She cannot eat her lunch in peace. But not to Milly. She can eat anywhere and anytime regardless of any situations.

Across the distance, there are Tristan and his hot friends. Eating their lunch at the spot of the 'hottest seniors'. They are all looking and waving at Casey too.

Casey lifts up her butt from her seat and walk quickly towards the cafeteria's toilet. Her food barely touched. Those eyes in the cafeteria still looking at her, glancing.

She splashed the running water from the sink to her face. Then she look into the mirror. She rubs her eyes when the water got into them. 

She then went  into one of the toilet stall. She locked herself in and took out her phone from her pocket. She tried to text Tristan.

The sound of the toilet's door opened was heard. She heard that some girls entered the toilet and locked the main door of the toilet. Casey started to feel anxious. She heard some girls laughing at the outside of the toilet stalls.

One by one, the toilet stalls been kicked by them. Casey lifted her leg up to the toilet bowl to hide herself. But they are finally in front of the toilet's door she was in. 

"I know you in there sweetheart. Come on out." Said one of them.

"We won't hurt you." The other voice said. All of them have different voice tone.

Casey just keeps silent. Not giving any sound, hoping they would not know she is in there.

"Come on out!" One of the girl yelled. They kicked the toilet's door. Casey trembles. She trembles so hard that she is making noise on the toilet bowl, the sound of her tremble feet.

They kicked the toilet's door again, non-stop. Luckily the door is strong enough to stay unbroken by the kicks from feminine girls like them.

"Nobody's going to save you now." Said the other girl.

"Not even Tristan could save you! Cause he just don't love you! Cause you're damn ugly!" The sound of the first girl yelled. She might be the leader.

After no response from Casey for 5 minutes, she heard the toilet's main door has opened. Casey thought that the girls might have exited.

Casey finally feel safe now. She quickly message Milly about it. Her hands still trembles and she could not type properly.

Unfortunately, a huge splash of water suddenly dropped on her from the top opening of the toilet's door.

Casey is super wet. She looks like a total mess. Her phone is broken. She is in shock. Nothing like this ever happen to her. 

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