Part 11: Doctor Strange?

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After dinner, Casey and her family gather around in the hall room. Dylan, Casey's elder brother before Tristan is there too. They all watching television. Tristan is not home yet.

"Mom, dad. I have a really big news to share to you. I know you already get enough hearing this as I always get this for like every semester. But I wanted to tell you anyway." Casey started the conversation, taking their attentions away from the television.

"I got..." Casey's words got interrupted when Tristan came home.

"Tris. Come here, boy. Let's watch our favorite show together." Tristan approach his dad and hug him. Casey stared from distance, feeling a little bit anxious with the close relationship they have.

"You must be so tired from playing ball every day, darling. You should take few days off." Mrs. Collin giving massage to her second children.

"Its basketball, mom and I am not feeling tired." Tristan replied. Casey gazed at him, her expression clearly shows that she is full of jealousy.

"You're still playing it, bro?" Dylan finally speak up. Tristan nodded, confidently.

"I just made it to captain now. Bye-bye to co-captain." Tristan laughed.

"Damn! That is so cool. No wonder people like you. You're perfect in everything. I think just yesterday you told me that you got the best student award and now you're just become a captain? What a perfect life?!" Dylan added. Both of their parents shocked hearing the news. But it just added more anger to Casey.

"What? Best student award?" Said Mr. Collins

"Full straight A's for the entire semester. Ha-ha." Tristan replied, telling the big news to them which make them forget what Casey wanted to say in the first place.

Casey gets up from her seat and went straight away into her room. She falls off her body on the comfy bed of her. Her room full with pink and black decorations. People might thought she is in love with black metal rocky stuff but she is not. She just loves the combination of pink and black.

Casey texted Milly to come over her house quickly. Milly always come to her house on Friday night. Sometimes they watch movie, sometimes they just chatting till morning. For them, that is what best friends should do to spend time together. Even though it is not as fun as Miranda's friendship which they always having parties for every weeks, they still think their friendship is more valuable. It's not about price or value, it's about loyalty and sincerity.

When Milly finally came, chips and juices already prepared by Casey. They are going to watch a movie, The Avengers. They both like the movie since they were in middle school and they do not mind to watch it over and over again.

"Why are these guys are so cool? I mean they are good looking and having superpowers like that just make them like, the most perfect creatures in the entire universe." Milly said it in excitement, feeling amazed with the heroic superpowers had by each of the characters.

"Yeah, right? I wish I could have one of the superpower from them." Casey responded. Casey usually do not talk much with Milly. But having conversation about The Avengers, she could talk about it all day long. That might be the reason why she still stick around with Milly. Cause they have something in common, even one thing.

"If you are given a choice, what superpower you wanted to have?" Milly asked. Her mouth full with chips and her lips filled with chips' powder.

"I wanted to have superpower like Doctor Strange so that I could always turn back time when I needed to correct something." Casey answered.

"Like what?" Milly's question suddenly changed Casey's mood. Casey just silent.

"Like maintaining the characters of both my brothers that I used to like." Casey keeps her head down. She tried to hold on her tears.

The room suddenly turns into silent. The room temperature suddenly feel a bit cold. But that is only the thought of Casey. The sound from the movie still playing but none watching.

And there is also sound from Milly's chewing. Spoiled!

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