Part 37: The Only One

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Few days have left. Casey still have not found her liking in staying here. She got no friends and everyone kept messing around with her. Even Evans like purposely trying to make her angry. He always saw her mistakes but he never back her up when someone else made a mistakes.

"I guess everyone just hate you, Casey. Especially Evans." Alice said, when they are walking to the cafeteria.

Casey is sitting and eating her lunch alone. She saw Evans and Ma'am are talking to each other, like a normal person. They look so close.

Seeing that, Casey feel so much hate towards Evans. It is not like she hate it because Evans choose Ma'am over her it is because she just hates him. Everything is so wrong with him. Like he is fake.

All the games that have been held between all the platoons like football tournament, cooking competition and also marching have been won by Casey's platoons. That is all because of her effort but she never get the praises. Alice and her friends are always got the praises even though they did nothing for the platoon.

Casey is eating her lunch, real slow because she do not have appetite but the camp organizer forced them to finish the food or otherwise they need to clean up the entire cafeteria.

"Hey. You're Casey, right." Suddenly someone is saying 'hi' to her. Maybe this is the first time someone finally being nice to her.

"Yeah." Casey said.

"I've seen all the games that you played and I am amazed." The girl said.

"Really?" Casey is touched when finally someone from the camp saw all of her efforts.

"Yeah of course. By the way, I am Tina." She said. She is small and skinny which make her look so cute.

"I am from platoon 5." Tina said.

"Platoon 3." Casey told her.

They are talking and getting to know each other. Casey thinks that Tina is sweet. She think that Tina might be the first sweetest girl that she have met so far.

"I saw that Alice and her girls always messing up with you." She said.

"You saw that?" Casey asked.

"Everyone could saw that. It's obvious. But none of them have the brave to speak out for it." She replied.

"Why is it?" Casey asked, like Tina is knowing something that she does not know.

"Alice and her girls are from rich families. Like total rich. They gave each of the platoons the money for them to keep the secrets. They have trapped and pranked you like so many times, Cas. You just not realized it because you are just so good going through those." Tina told Casey.

"But why did you tell me anyway?" Casey asked.

"Because I never took the money which I am totally okay with it. Plus, they did not even bother to give them to me as they never realized my existence." Tina said.

"I do realized your existence." Casey said.


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