Part 30: Heroes Revealed

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The bed feel quite hard like it is not her own bed. Casey tried to open her eyes, there are still blurry image. She look around and realize that she is in somewhere in hospital or clinic. She then saw that both her brothers are at her sides now, they are sleeping next to her bed.

"Chris." She called for Chris when she finally remember what happened. Both of her brothers woke up after hearing for her. Casey tried to sit straight.

"Hey, easy. You're still hurt." Dylan said. Tristan is helping her correcting her postures.

"Where's Chris?" She asked, a bit crying. But both of her brothers said nothing but only silence.

"Where's Chris?!" She yelled when no one brave enough to answer. Luckily she is not sharing the room with other patients.

"The injury is serious and doctors have tried their best and..." Dylan finally answered. He is actually feeling guilty to tell her the truth. He even could not continue to say next as he saw Casey already crying.

"He's gone, Cas." Tristan said, in a low voice. Casey is crying so loud, like hell.

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