Part 49: More Brutal

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"You slept well?" Evans asked. But he did not look at Casey's face. 

His question sounds curious. Like he knows something happened to her on last night.

"Since you spend more time on yourself here, I think you do a lot of readings." 

"Yes, I..." Casey could not even finished her sentence when Evans interrupted her.

"Now, I want you to explain every single things that I taught you since the first class."

Without hesitation, Casey walks to the white board and explain all the theories like a real lecturer. 

Casey's lecture took about 1 hour to finish. She explained all the theories clearly in her own sentence and summarization. She feel satisfied with her hard work.

Evans did not say anything, he look mad.

"All these weeks I've been working hard, teaching you personally and this is what you gained?!" His voice is raised.

He then slammed the table, hard. Casey startled.

"I explained it exactly like what you..."

"Shut up! Don't talk back when I am talking!" He sounded so mad. Casey look down.

"This is what happened when you disrespect your teacher!" He added. 

"Tonight, meet me at my dorm." He instructed.

He then exit the classroom in anger. Casey standing like a stone, not moving.

Evans walking out from the building, smiling evilly.

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