Part 40: Getting Close

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Casey having her lunch alone again. Everybody else are busy with their preparations for upcoming talent show. So she has nothing to do. She spend more time in the cafeteria, writing her journals and even eating something from here. The cook of chef is so good in cooking as she always prepared the delicious food. Since she spend too much time in cafeteria, she becomes close with the chef.

But every time she is alone, Casey always feel like someone is watching her from a far. But she just never found out.

Casey startled once her name been called by someone.

"Since you have nothing to do right now, the instructors have informed me to change your detention time to evening which mean start from right now." Evans said, informing her the news.

Casey nodded and she packed her stuff. She then followed Evans at the back.

Casey is feeling a bit relieved as finally she could sleep early at night. Furthermore, she wanted to sleep early so that she will never feel chilly again if there is really someone watching her every night.

"Where are we?" She asked. She never been there.

"This is a place where the platoons get their weaponry lesson." He said.

"What? But this lesson is like the last lesson that we should have which mean at the end of the month before the camp ended." She said, trying to remind Evans the procedure or schedules that has been made for them.

"Yeah. But due to your excellent participations in all the games and activities, you deserves to be taught early than the others." He said. Casey is clueless. If he said she has gave the best excellent participation, then he must have noticed that she never did those troubles. But why did he punished her anyway for like in every games?

Casey wanted to ask more but she do not know where to start. So she just start learning to whatever Evans asked. He taught her how to hold the guns properly and giving her some tips to shoot right at the point.

"You're really good at it." He praised.

"Is there anything that you're not good at?" He asked again. Out of nowhere, Casey do not understand why she feel his question is quite hilarious.

"You do saw that I am good. But why you never back me up? Instead, you simply punished me to something that I didn't do." She asked, while her eyes are focusing on the point to shoot.

"Continue shooting." He said, like trying to get away from the question. He asked Casey to start shooting as she keep staring at the point with no shooting yet. She then shot the point once he asked.

Casey hold down her guns. "You're like a two different person. The entire time you are as fierce as a lion but right now, you're just as sweet as strawberry which is not that sweet because it tastes sour a bit. Just like you." Casey said. Evans laughed at her jokes. He did not say a thing.

Casey realized that he was purposely not giving any respond. "Are you trying to play as a cool, mysterious guy that we used to see in the movie?" He laughed again.

Casey missed the shot. Her shot was hit at the tree, right behind the pointer board.

"Lift up your chin a bit. Take a deep breathe, aim then shoot." He said it, over and over again. Casey shot right at the point, every time he gave her the tips.

"I guess your ignorance acting worked well because everyone never stop liking you. Even they knew you're close with Ma'am." Casey still saying stuff to Evans but he still give no response.

Casey shot again at the pointer. "Excellent. You're quite good. Like you already get used to it." He said. All his responses is only for lesson purposes, not personal talk.

"Hey, I was talking to you." Casey said. She felt so mad when Evans always changed the topic.

He looked at his watch. "Time's up." Then he grabbed the gun that Casey was holding. He then walked away from her with no response. Casey stood there, the questions still linger in her head.

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