Part 19: Chickflic Transformation

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Casey walks a little bit slow at the back. When it comes to shopping, she never had the mood.

Miranda and her girls grabbed Casey and bring her to the clothes store. They all busy finding their favorite outfits and Casey just sit on the floor. She plays with her phone, pretending texting someone but none would text. Even Milly has not texted her for ages. Casey just sit there, awkwardly. Even, the people came into the store look at her weirdly. She just do not care.

Miranda pulled Casey into a fitting room. She asked Casey to try on some outfits that she has chosen. The outfits really suited with Miranda's taste. But not to Casey. Casey more into boyish outfit like a sweater and a jeans. Sport shoes and hat make a perfect outfit for Casey because that is her taste.

The outfit that chosen by Miranda is so girlish for Casey. But she tried it anyway when Miranda keeps nagging and forcing her. In fact, one of the outfits has been wear by Casey straight away after the payment. That is Miranda's request.

There are so many girlish outfits she has tried but none of them come to Casey's interests.

"Always take friend's advices. Because they know best for you." That is what Miranda keep telling her. She is quite agree with her as she never got any advices from Milly before. Why not taking it from her new friends now? Probably it is the best for her to finally change her life into a person she always wanted to be.

Miranda wanted to pay Casey's outfits but Casey said she wanted to pay by herself. She could not believe herself when this is her first time paying a high amount of money for something she is not liking.

"You know, it is much easier if we be friends at the beginning." One of Miranda's friend said to Casey. She never know her name, and also the other names of their members.

"Not everyone could simply become our friends. We have standards in choosing one." The other girl said.

"Luckily, you are the first one to be selected. Because you are just like us, rich." Miranda added. Casey felt a little bit annoyed with her thoughts. To be honest, Casey never thought that she is rich. Her family is rich but not her. All the money that she have is all from her salary that she got when she selling her zine. She loves writing poems and short stories so much.

Her family always give her money but she just kept all the money in the bank. There could be millions. Only God knows how much in there.

Miranda and her friends then pulled Casey to the other stores. They are walking towards the shoe store.

While walking, Casey asked something. The things that she always wanted to ask. "Miranda, this might sound weird but till then, I still haven't got to know the name of your friends."

Miranda laughs. "They're your friends too, sweetheart. And yeah, they are Samantha, Allison and Lucy." Casey nodded, finally she knows their name without having to title them as 'Miranda's girls or Miranda's gang.'

Miranda asked Casey to try on the shoes that she has chosen for her. A high heels, like what she expected. She just try it anyway, taking advice from friend.

Casey also bought some sneakers, but it is fancier than her previous. It is a bit girlish which is okay to Miranda. Even if Miranda and the girls would not permitted her, she will bought it anyway because she buy all those with her own money. She bought some cute sneakers and high heels. But Miranda asked her to wear one of the high heels straight away after the payment.

Then they walked to the next stop. Casey walks slowly at behind, trying to walk properly with her first time high heels. Miranda and the other girls just walk at the front, leave her behind with her sloppy walks.

They finally arrived at the beauty center. This might be last stop because that is how make over always ended up.

Miranda then give some explanation to the hairstylists and they started to do some treatments on Casey's hair.

Casey looks so weak that she is unable to do anything, just letting them do whatever they want to her. She is feeling exhausted of walking in her high heels. Her feet feel hurt and she wanted to get them rest a bit.

Then come the skin experts. They do some skin treatments and massage on Casey's face while waiting her hair to be done.

Casey fell asleep and when she wakes up, she did not notice herself in the mirror.

"How could this happened?" She said, not believing what she sees in the mirror. Miranda and the girls shocked seeing how Casey could turned out. She is so beautiful. Much more beautiful than them.

"Isn't it amazing" Miranda replied.

"Change it back." Casey said.

"What?" Miranda shocked with Casey's sudden request.

"This is not me and I don't want it. Change it back!" Casey got a little bit insane. The hairstylists and the skin experts tried to persuade her but Casey still insisted.

Miranda tried to calm all those beauty expert. They gave Miranda and the girls some times to persuade Casey. They all have done their best in changing Casey and Casey is their first customer that did not like the result.

"Honey, please look into yourself in the mirror." Miranda persuades her. She grabbed Casey in the hand and bring her over to a larger mirror. Casey pushed her hands over but Miranda and the girls tried to calm her down.

"Please, look again in the mirror. Carefully." Miranda tried to convince her more.

Casey finally look herself into the mirror but this time, she look at the reflection of her carefully.

She saw that her hair has changed. Her never combed light brown hair turned so silky and straight. She touched them and they feel so smooth. Then she realize that the acne and the small rashes on her face just disappeared. She is touching her face, it is so soft and clean. Even no more exposed pores. She is just like has been reborn.

She keeps turning herself around, seeing the other transformations that she had. She looks so perfect in her new pink dress that she brought just now. The high heels that hurt her feet has spices up the mood. She is feeling so beautiful. Much beautiful than Miranda and the girls. Might could compete with Beatrice's beauty, her girl's crush.

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