Part 54: Almost

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Casey needs to stay up late again today. Casey is all alone. The other campers bullied her to finish the setup for the talent show. The show will be held in two days.

Evans is walking towards the hall to check on the progress. He also needed to setup few things for the show.

As he approaching near the hall, he heard someone is playing a piano. The person playing behind the piano is also singing along the song. 

The voice of the mysterious singer break the silence of the night. The voice sounds angelic that could soothe every soul that hears it. As Evans listening to it carefully, he realized the song is from somewhere he ever heard of.

Evans rushed into the hall but he found no one there.

"Where did you go? I have been looking for you for years!" He mumbles to himself when he saw no one behind the piano.

He left the hall with disappointment. The girl he has been looking for years was right in front of him before she disappeared again. He lost the opportunity again.

Tristan return back to his dorm, he saw Tristan was looking at a girl picture in his wallet.

"Who's that? Your new girl?" Evans tried to snatch it from him. But Tristan managed to get it away. He keep it inside his drawer. Evans realized that Tristan always look at the girl's picture in his wallet but he never tell him who the girl is.

"Where have you been?" Tristan asked.

"I was checking the hall, to make sure everything is well there and there. You know, stuff." He explained.

"But..." He added.

"But what?"

"I found out the girl I have been looking."

"The piano girl?"

"Yeah, but she disappeared".

"What do you mean she disappeared?"

"I mean, she was there. But when I get inside, she was not there anymore."

"You mean she disappeared in a thin air? Hahaha". Tristan jokes. Evans kicked Tristan's foot.

"I think she is here". Evans said.

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