Part 5: Private Tutor

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Casey walks toward Milly as fast as she could. Milly is busy flirting with some boys. Across from distance, Casey saw Milly keeps on flipping her long shiny hair. Both of her legs keep tingling, like desperately wanted some attentions. She is such a flirty.

Today, Casey wears a strip blouse and a palazzo. Like usual, she is wearing her non cleaning sport shoes. She just do not care about her physical appearance. Even though her best friend, Milly do has a good sense in fashion but she never help her to change the appearance.

Other students only realize the existence of Casey because they thought that Milly wanted something related to academic from her.

Casey heard about the rumors. That is why she never liked to hang around with Milly. She is only with her when she needs to. She thought she is much better to live and survive on her own.

In addition, probably Milly still friends with her due to her wealth and also because of her brother. Milly has a huge crush on Tristan but only Tristan never falls for Milly. He is the only guy that never falls for her. But she still trying to win his heart.

Casey pulled Milly away from the boys. "Ouch!" Milly pulled her hand back.

"Please do not promise me anything again if you couldn't do it, Mil! Casey sounded mad. She slows down her tone when those boys look at her weirdly.

Casey hates it when nobody gives cooperation for the work she is working on. Even all this time, Milly was not really helping in any of their group works. Casey always do the work alone. She still agree to work with Milly because Milly is the only one willingly to help in marketing parts. Casey is not good in connecting with people.

"I am sorry, I fell asleep." Milly admits. Casey knows that Milly is lying. She knows that Milly is not someone that went to bed early. She assumes that Milly might make up with someone last night, that is her night routine. Even on school night.

Casey shakes her head as a sign of frustration. She do not have time to listen more to her lies. She goes straight to the class. Her face is tight.

Milly continues flirting the boys, letting Casey walked away by herself. She always chases for Casey but when it comes to boy, she hesitates.

Casey walks through the hallway. Her brother is walking in the hallway too but she only passed through him.

"Cas, are you okay?" Her brother asked. Casey just walking without even responding.

"Cas! Casey!" He yelled. Some of the pupils in the hallway glance at them both.

"Shhh! Don't talk to me or people will notice!" Casey look around to make sure nobody heard him calling her.

She walks away. Her ponytail hair keep bouncing when she is walking. Tristan rolled his eyes, tired with his sister's ignorance. She never responded or even stopped when they bumped into each other in the school area.

Casey walks into her class. Some of the students have arrived and they are talking to each other.

Casey sits on her place and takes out her Chemistry books. She flipped through the notes that she has been written in the entire semester. She closed her eyes, trying to memorize the important facts. Her mouth is muttering and her classmates glance at her weirdly. But she has been doing it many times so people already acknowledged her weird habit. Probably people trying to get away from her because of that.

Casey stopped muttering when she hears someone is crying. She opened her eyes. She looks around the class, trying to find out who is crying.

It was Jessica's. She looks around and realize that none bother to check her out. So, she decided to approach her. She walks toward her, slowly. Jessica's face look swollen like she has been crying so hard.

Casey pats Jessica at her back, trying to calm her down. Casey realizes that nobody in the class care about Jessica even though she was crying so loud.

"People are insane." Casey said to herself, her hand still gently patting Jessica's.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked Jessica that is still crying. She keeps on patting Jessica's shoulder.

"I am such a mess. I don't know which topic to choose for this assessment and I might need to repeat this semester again. Can I just die?" Jessica's voice does not sound clear as her cries much louder. Some of the students finally realized her crying. But they went back doing their works, ignoring her.

"Hey no. Please, don't die. I could help you, Jessica."

"Come over to my place after school and we could figure out which topic you could do. I will help you." Casey added.

Jessica nodded and quickly hug Casey. She finally stopped crying but her swollen face could not be fixed at the moment.

All students quickly get into their seats when Mr. Barnes arrived at the front door. He is holding his man's purse.

Like usual, Mr. Barnes will give a creepy smile to the whole class in front door before entering it. He then laughs at his own jokes.

"Do I scared you? Ha-ha, you should." Nobody is responding to his cool jokes.

He walks funnily towards the table. He walks like walking in the runway. He used to do that a lot but the students never fall for that. In fact, the students' faces look serious, they are ready for the lecture.

"What is wrong with your faces? Having constipation?" Mr. Barnes said, flipping his men's purse.

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