Part 48: Childhood Crush

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Tristan and Evans are the most wanted advisors in the camp especially when the campers know they are two best friends.

Evans walks to Tristan when he done talking to Ma'am.

"What's your deal with her?" Tristan asked Evans when he arrived.

"She is married, man." Evans explained.

"Wow, everyone's here thought you two are a thing!" Evans just laughed hearing the compliment given by Tristan.

"If she is not married, you think you could be with her?" Tristan added.

"Nah, she is not my type." Evans said. "Why are you asking me this? Are you trying to get my permission? You have feelings on her!" He teased.

"No way! She is too cold, man." They both laugh.

They both then walk to their room. They are sharing room. Evans used to stay there alone but since the arrival of Tristan, they sleep together in the same room.

"I bet your girlfriend is hot, because you couldn't stand the cold one. Haha!" Evans make a joke. They both laugh so hard, luckily they are in their own room where no one could see the real personality of Evans.

Tristan takes out his wallet from the locker. He used to keep his wallet inside during his duty.

Tristan take out a picture of a girl from his wallet. Evans who sits next to him also look at the picture that Tristan is holding.

"She is really hot, I could tell. Even though I can barely see her face." Evans said.

"She is cold, man. Way too cold."

"If you can't in love with someone as cold as Ma'am, then why her?"

"In love? She's my sister, man. My one and only sister."

Hearing the explanation from Tristan, Evans shocked. He grabbed the picture from Tristan and observe the girl.

"You don't remember her?" Tristan asked. Evans's face full of question.

"You used to come to her birthday party when we were kids." Tristan added. Evans gives no response, he stares at the picture so deeply.

"You can't tell it is her because she was 14 years old."

"This is her now." Tristan shows a recent picture of Casey in his phone. Evans look at it. He is now finally knows that the girl he used to punished a lot in the camp is his childhood crush. Tristan and Evans have been friends since they were like 5 years old. They both becoming friends when the played together at the park on every evening when they were kids. Older kids always bullied them when they are alone in the park. But when they are together, they are strong to fight back the bullies.

"Let's be a hero one day." A child version of Evans said. 

Now them both finally achieved their goals to become a hero. They both work as a soldier now, a hero for their country.

"She is also a reason why sometimes you cannot see me around." Tristan explained more. Since then, Tristan is the only one do the talking while Evans keep on looking at the pictures of 14 years old Casey and a current Casey.

"Dude, are you okay?" Tristan asked him. Evans startled like he finally wake up from his imagination world.

"Why do you put your sister's picture inside your wallet instead of your girlfriend?" Finally Evans said something.

"Haha. Good question."

"Because, I met my girlfriend for like everyday and called her for every single nights. In fact, I have tons of her pictures in my phone. Then I don't have any strong reason to put her picture inside. So I decided to put someone else's picture that I missing the most." Tristan answered.

"Missing? Are you guys not living in the same house?"

"It's not like that. It's just... we are not like before."

"What happened?"

"Its a long story." He paused. "But everything started to change after you moved away."

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