Part 56: Curiosity

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Evans is so busy with his mission on finding that particular girl in the camp. But he also could not stop thinking about what he saw today.

"What was his deal with Casey?" He asked to himself. Tristan is not in the room. "Are they always like this? Are they really siblings? Ah, this really made me crazy!". The questions keep on lingering in his head. He never bothers to questions it, even though sometimes he has a bit of jealousy about Casey's relationship with Tristan.

Tristan enters the room. He just got back from cleaning up.

Evans is so desperately wanted to know the truth between Casey and Tristan. But he don't know how to start.

Evans don't really opened up his story about girl to anyone, even Tristan. Tristan only knew about the piano girl as the girl appeared in Tristan's sister birthday party where Evans asked about the girl.

He was in love with that girl. She is the girl that he falls at first sigh. But he never get a chance to face her personally on that night because she just disappeared. He tried to find the girl in the party but he needed to rush back to camp for emergency call. Evans never falls for a girl that hard. He always hoping that he will meet the girl somewhere.

"Casey..." Evans mumbling to himself. He said it slowly but he didn't realized that Tristan managed to catch the word.

"What's wrong with her?" Tristan asked. He is wiping his wet hair with towel.

"Who's her?" Evans confused. He still doesn't know Tristan heard him.


"Why are you mentioning her name? Were you with her today? What's going on between you two?" Evans asked the questions repeatedly. He doesn't want to ask anything about Casey from him. Because he don't want to know anything about her. But his mouth said differently.

"Whoa, chill dude. I wasn't mentioning her name. It was you. And yeah, I was with her today and..." Tristan couldn't finished his word.

"Is she really your sister? Or you just making it up to secretly date with her just like what you did to other girls? Nah, don't bother to answer. I don't want to know anything, especially about her!" Evans said.

"Oh okay". Tristan confused. 

Evans leaves the dorm, leaving Tristan behind in questions. He looks so pissed. He himself even doesn't know whether he pissed off because of Casey, Tristan or himself.

"This guy never chills". Tristan laughs.

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