Part 3: Awkward-ness

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Silence. Both of them have not spoken anything since the moment Casey got into the car.

"How's school?" Tristan break the silence. What an awkward question to start the conversation.

"Oh, come on! Are you a dad now?" Casey is feeling annoyed after hearing the stupid question came out from his brother's mouth. All this time they were in the car, he only asked that?

"I wish I could if that's could make you feel better." Tristan said while smiling. His cute smile definitely will melt away all the girls that see it. But not to Casey. She is the only girl that never falls for the charm of his brother.

"What makes you think I don't feel better?" Casey asked. She takes out her phone from her bag's pocket. She is using the latest iPhone which clearly shows she is from a rich family but nobody realizes that, because nobody even realizes her existence.

"Because you are my sister." Tristan answered without hesitation. He keeps on looking at his sister but his eyes never got away from the road. He needs to be extra careful when driving with his beloved younger sister.

Casey is busy typing something on her phone. She does not responding to him at all. She knows her brother is looking at her but she hates to look at him back.

"Then send me to the book store after we got home." She is still not looking at him.

"Um... I've got basketball practice today." Tristan replied. He actually feels guilty for not be able to fulfill his sister's request.

Casey shakes her head and rolls her eyes, like she knew what his brother are going to say. She purposely asked his brother because she knows her brother always give excuses.

"But I can cancel the practice, and we can go for some shopping and you might want to..." Tristan tried to make up with his sister but he only saw she is ignoring him. She is so into her phone right now like Tristan is not even there.

Tristan drives the car. Their conversations always ended without further discussions and proper conclusions. Tristan knew this conversation means nothing, like the others.

Silence appeared again.

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