Part 51: Got Ya

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Casey got only like one hour of sleep before the roll call. She feels so tired from cleaning Evans's dorm for whole night.

Now finally Casey get time for herself. She decided to sleep in the classroom tonight as the classroom is quite near with Evans's dorm.

Casey tried to sleep. But she could not. 

She almost fell asleep when a loud sound waken her up. She wakes up and tries to see what happen through the windows. Nothing.

She then goes back to sleep.

Bang bang. Another loud sound break the silence of the night. Casey wakes up again in shocked.

She saw the door is opened and the sound came from it. She closed the door then goes to sleep.

Now it is 3.40 am. Casey sleeps so well. 

Few hours past. But then suddenly, she heard a really loud footsteps which waken her up again.

"Oh please, I just need some rest!" She is shouted.

Baam! Casey shocked.

But this time, she is not feeling scared. All she could feel is anger.

She walks out from the classroom angrily and passing through corridor to corridor, trying to find the source of the sound.

"Come out you damn monster! I am not afraid of you." She shouted, sounded so brave.

She hit and kick all the doors of each classroom that she passed through. Nothing came out yet.

Then suddenly she saw 'something' is moving in flash in front of her. She run as fast as she could to chase it.

'The thing' is nowhere to be found. She really wanted to finish it all tonight by finding out whose been stalking and disturbing her in every nights.

She is walking forward and stopped when she saw a big black thing is right in front of her. 

"The thing" look like a person but she could not find out who.

Casey tried to approach it near and she kicked it from behind.

It felt down on the floor. Casey tried to grab it before it runs away. She tried to open the mask and hoodie 'the thing' is wearing.

'The thing' tried to fight back, not letting Casey to see his or her real face. Casey used all her strengths and skills in martial art that she knows to fight back.

'The thing' is too strong and have such an amazing martial art skills like she do. 

They keep on pushing and pulling each other. It then pushes Casey at the wall.

But Casey is faster. While it tries to hold Casey down, she quickly managed to pull off the mask.

"Got ya!" Casey said.

She shocked with what she saw. She feels disgusted.

It pushed Casey back and leaned his arm to the wall. Casey still trembling and could not fight back.

"So now you got me, then what?" Evans said that in such a cool, bad boy kind of thing.

Casey still under his arm, leaning to the wall. Eyes meet eyes.

LOVE HATE, YOU DUDEМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя