Part 17: Good and Bad Surprise

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There is one question stuck in Casey's head every year on her brother's birthday. Why the mysterious boy she used to see in her birthday just never appeared in any of his brothers'? He used to come to Tristan's party but that is only the time when they are still celebrating Casey's birthday too. Even though that they are not celebrating Casey's birthday like before, he should have come to Tristan's party. Because they are friends.

Milly come to the party, like every year. She is the only friend of Casey who come over. Usually, the appearance of Milly in the party is nothing to Casey as she always partying by herself. Flirting some hot boys from Tristan's class.

On early hours, Casey joined the party because her family is there too. But once her family going upstairs to stop joining the party, she followed them too. She will stuck in her room, studying.

Casey could study all night long with no sleep. She used to do that. So, a little bit of music from the party will not stop her from studying.

Tristan always get into her room to ask her join the party but she always decline it. Few times he asked her out but she still with her stand. At last, all he could do it sending the cake to her room.

This year, the same thing happen. But this time, it's a little bit different when Miranda and her gang came to the party. Casey tried to hide herself but everywhere she go, they will follow her. Casey is wondering who invited her over.

"Tris, why are you inviting them?!" Casey pulled Tristan's hand, get him away from his friends. She then pointed out to Miranda and her girls.

"I don't know. I don't invite them over." Tristan explained.

"Then who?" Casey asked again. She really wanted to know why her biggest enemy is here.

"Probably one of my friend did." He simply answered that then he just walked away when his friends keep calling him.

Casey tried to find Milly to tell her about what happened. But she is too hard to find. Probably she is busy making out with someone anywhere.

When she is focusing too much in finding Milly, Miranda and her girls suddenly appeared in front of her. Probably they already followed her since then. They blocked Casey's way.

"Cassandra Collins. How could I missed your last name is Collins. The same name that Tristan has. You are Tristan's sister." Miranda said. Her girls just standing beside her, nodding with whatever she said.

"But Jessica told us that Tristan called you honey the other day." Lucy asked, she is a bit confused.

"Because that is what my whole family call me." Casey answered, explaining the word 'honey' that has bring misunderstand to all her schoolmate.

Casey tried to get away from them by walking the other directions. But the girls managed to stop her.

"You should be our friend." She added.

"We will pick you up to school on Monday. See you." Miranda ended the conversation, leaving Casey behind in clueless.

Casey get inside the house when her nightmare finally has over. She is hoping that Miranda and her girls would not come at her again.

Casey going upstairs. She wanted to take her phone because she left it there. She wanted to text Milly to know her location and tell her what happened.

Like what she is expected, Milly is making out with someone. In her room.

Casey does not want to witness the love phenomena happen there, so she just grab her phone as quickly as she could and get out.

Milly and the guy might not realize that Casey was there as they are not looking at her back. Casey slammed the door, hard. They still in their own love world, ignoring everything's around.

Casey straight away go to the guest's room. The guest's room located at the end of the corner which a little bit hidden. She wanted to use the guest's room for her own privacy as her room is already occupied.

Casey's phone fell off on the floor when she opened the door of the room. She saw Grayson is making out with another boy. She just stood there, witnessing something she never expected. She wanted to get out of the room as quick as she could but her legs feel numb.

Suddenly Tristan arrived there too. He also saw Grayson and his making out buddy. Finally, Casey found some strength to move her feet. She quickly run to the stairs and leave the house.

Casey is crying, so hard. She do not care what people she bumped into in the party will say. She is so heartbroken now, seeing her long time crush making a love connection with someone. In fact, he is not like what she thinks. Even if he is single, she will never had a chance to have a relationship with Grayson. All her imagination about making love with him just crashed. Her heart is bleeding.

Casey walked too fast till she stomped on her feet. She falls on the grass, crying so hard. Not crying because of the fall, but it's a heartbroken crying. Moreover, she do not care that her leg is bleeding. Her heart hurts more than her leg.

Tristan was chasing her at the back. He then patted Casey in the shoulder. Casey just keep on crying, like a baby. Her leg is bleeding and she is kneeling down.

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