Part 38: Fair Enough?

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There are few more days left before the talent show competition will be held. Each and every member of platoons need to show their talents and if any one of them neglected to join it, they will get punishment. They could do the talent show as a solo or group.

Casey do not have any one to do the talent show with. Tina has asked her to join her but acting is not her stuff. Tina is a theatre student in her high school.

Casey is more into singing. She is quite good in playing few musical instruments.

Casey do not have place to practice. The dorm is always full with her platoon members and even cafeteria and the other places that they used to go.

But finally Casey found the good spot for her to practice. The spot is quite far from the camp site but she like it as she finally get her own space and time.

Casey started to play the guitar and composing the song. She is quite good at it. But it is been a long time she has not write any song so she really had a bit of trouble in creating a new one. Casey practiced so hard every day and even she spent more than hours there. She even sacrifice her rest time so that she can practice more. She thought that she wanted to give her all best as she is the only contestant that will make a solo performance. So, she wanted it to be perfect to impress the jury.

Today, Casey even composing and writing the song until night.

Someone is peeking on Casey but she did not realized it.

After satisfied with her practice, she went to her dorm. She needs to sleep early as they always need to wake up on 4 am every day.

Casey felt someone or something is peeking or looking at her. She tried to find it by looking through the windows but she saw nothing.

"I must have practiced so hard." She mumbling herself while covering herself in blanket. She thought that she is just imagining that someone is watching her as probably she practiced so hard that make her mind went crazy.

The next day, Casey is eating alone in the cafeteria. Not so many people in the cafeteria because the lunch time has over but any one that did not have their lunch yet can have theirs at any time.

Casey is eating while staring blankly on her foods. She could not sleep well last night as she kept imagining someone is watching her.

She then lifted up her head because she could feel that right now, someone also has been watching her. Casey tried to chase the person but he or she disappeared.

"Is this only my imagination?" She talked to herself.

After the practice time, the platoons need to get in class for theory classes. Casey is sitting alone.

They are going to learn about social interactions and psychology. Casey took psychology class in her high school and since she is a top student, psychology is like nothing for her.

Casey realized that the girls from her platoon are so dumb that they cannot even answer the logical questions.

"It's just a psychology. Nothing to be proud of." Alice said that to Casey after Casey answered the teacher's question correctly. Casey just ignored her, do not have time for someone like that.

In the evening, they all playing football again. Casey still good at playing at it but since the girls have been paid to attack her, she always get pushed away by them.

Casey is so in hatred now but she could do nothing as Evans never back her up. She used to tell Evans about the girls purposely attacked her but he told her that the attacks are nothing. But every time she attacked them back, Casey always got the blames.

Tonight, the new lesson has been introduced. Each of the platoons will be learned about martial arts.

"Like seriously?" Casey said to herself. She think that all of the activities that have been scheduled are all the things that she good at. But she will always lose as everyone keep attacking her.

"I hope you will be more serious, Casey." Evans told her, like simply assumed that she was not being serious the whole time. Casey looked at Evans coldly like in anger but luckily he did not saw her or otherwise, she will get punishment for being rude.

Casey is tired of being serious but still everybody attacking her like purposely trying to make her lose. Even if she did serious, Evans never realized it. So there is no difference in being serious or not. Therefore, she decided to not being serious this time.

Casey purposely do not attack the girls or using any martial skills that she know when she in the battle. She let them hit her. But in fact, she do not have to try to do nothing because the girls themselves are suck in martial arts. She won anyway.

"I should have acted dumb in all the games if I could win this simple." She said to herself.

Now it is the time she need to battle with Alice. Casey do not start the attack. She wanted Alice to come forward and attack her first but few seconds has passed but nobody make the move. Actually, Casey could see that Alice is afraid of her.

Casey turned her head once her name is called. "Casey, be serious!" Evans said.

Alice then took the opportunity to attack her once Casey turned her head away to look at Evans's calling.

But she played it dirty. She hit Casey in the head with the stone. She might have hidden it behind her back the whole time and have waited for the perfect moment to attack.

She keep on hitting her head till she bleed so hard. Then Alice pulled Casey's hair till her rubber hair is loosen.

Casey do not want to attack back as she do not want to hurt Alice but since she keep on hitting her head and no one is helping but only laughing, she need to protect herself from died of bleeding.

Casey gain all the strength and she used her skills to fall Alice down on the ground. She pushed Alice's hand and kicked her leg till she kneeling down. Then she flipped her over. Alice fell so hard on the floor.

Evans approached them both once he heard Alice screamed the pain.

"I think she broke my back!" Alice said. Casey's head is bleeding so hard.

"Are you trying to show off to be a hero?!" Evans mad at Casey. Casey look at him clueless, do not know how to respond on his assumptions.

"Someone please take her to the medic." Evans said to the rest of the girls, asking them to bring Alice away. But nobody cares about Casey's bleeding head.

Then Evans walked away from the girls. He is walking as fast as he could. Probably he is rushing to inform the other instructors about what happened.

Casey is out of her patience now. Her limit is over. She is super mad and really about to explode. She do not care about the punishment because the treatment that she got from the people here and the punishment have no difference.

Casey quickened her steps, trying to catch up with Evans that is walking away.

"You purposely did this to me!" She yelled, then Evans turned back his head.

Casey is now in front of him. "I don't know what is my fault that makes you hate me so much!" Casey is looking sick, she is about to fall as she feeling dizzy. This might be from the hitting. But she trying her best to gain some energy to confess what she feel.

"You think everyone likes you but not me!!!" She yelled, right in front of his face. She do not care anymore what would happen.

"You're such as jerk!!!" She tried to punch Evans in the face but she passed out on Evans's chest. She probably has used all her strength.

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