Part 28: A Boyfriend Gift?

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Miranda and the girls are in the school park. Their classes ended early than Casey's as they are seniors and they might have taken lesser courses compare to Casey.

Casey walked through the hallway. Some of the students saying 'hi' to her when she passed by like they finally knew her. Casey is quite famous now.

Miranda and the girls are with some boys. She knows that the boys are Miranda's friends as she always hang out with them even went for some vacations.

"Hey, Cas. I have a surprise for you. Since your birthday is coming soon, I wanted to be the first one to give you a present so I am going to give it early." Miranda grabbed Casey's hand over when she approached them.

"Let me introduce you. This is Chris and he is your present." Miranda said while brought her to him. Chris is smiling at her.

"What?" Casey is clueless.

"He is your boyfriend now, your present." Miranda added.

"What? No!" Casey could not believe what she heard.

"Take him. There is no more expensive present other than giving you a boyfriend." Miranda said.

"No. I don't want any present." Casey said, she is walking away from the madness. The other girls and boys are talking to each other, like ignoring them.

Miranda fastened her walks and tried to get her back. "Please, always take friend's advices."

Casey look at Miranda in the eyes. Miranda looks serious and Casey do not want to lose another people in her life. She think she should give it a try. Plus, the boy is cute. Nobody will rejected that kind of boy.

"You're Cassandra Collins, right" Chris asked, trying to get closer with her.

Casey smiles. She like it a lot when people knows her full name. Especially a cute guy like him. She nodded. She think this is the exact moment for her to get a life that she always wanted.

Then she followed him in the car. Casey is going home with him today, not with Miranda and the girls. Miranda and the girls are cheering for her. So do the rest of the boys.

The guy is quite talkative which make Casey thinks that he is approachable. Furthermore, Casey is less talkative so she thinks he is perfect for her.

Casey told him about the incident happened last night. She could not believe that she told him even though they just knew each other few minutes ago.

"Miranda and the girls should not have done that. I never liked them, they just always bring problems." He said, like he understand what she feel. She is suddenly feeling so comfortable with him now.

"I guess what your parents said about them are so right. They are just not for you, Cas. You're a good person, you deserves good friends." He added. Casey almost cried, feeling touched when someone being so nice to her. Especially when that person is cute.

Casey notice that he drive her to somewhere else, not to her house. Her face is clearly looking scared.

"No worry, Cas. I just wanted to bring you somewhere that I love to go. It is such a beautiful place." He said, like he knew what she is feeling even though she said nothing. Casey is feeling more relax now.

He brought Casey to some spot, up on the hill. The view is beautiful, like what he told her. They sit there, looking at the view.

"Cas, I am really sorry." Chris said it out of a sudden. His face looks sad and disappointed. Casey is clueless.

"When Miranda told me to be your boyfriend, I am really wanted to. But after finding out she is just using me for something, I feel so disappointed treated you like this. They are using you, Cas" He said. Casey look at him blankly, do not know what to respond. She is so shocked.

"But I swear to God, choosing you as my girlfriend is not something that I will regret in my life. Casey, I do love you since the first day I saw you in high school." He added. He is holding Casey's hands and he is crying. Casey could tell that he is telling the truth as it clearly shows in his eyes.

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