Part 53: Flashback

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Tristan is lying on his bed, he is reading his journal.

"You are such a nerd". Evans giggles.

"I am just looking at my schedule. Need to plan the activities. Lot of things need to be done before the camp is over". Tristan explains. He write down something on his journal

"How time flies."

"Yeah, this camp is getting boring."

"Oh really? I thought you enjoyed flirting with girls here". Evans jokes.

"Nah, I am done with that."

"Seriously? But I saw you flirting with Casey". Evans tried to question more about Tristan relationship with Casey but he responds nothing. He only laughed.

"Who are you with now?" He asked. He sits next closer to Tristan, trying to get the truth out from his mouth.

"Why are you being so clingy?" Tristan said, trying to get further away. "Oh yeah, my mom called me last night. She asked me to invite you over for my sister's graduation party." He hasn't answered the question but instead changing the topic.

"Kindergarten graduation?" Evans asked.

"Hell no. It's high school".

"I don't know you has a big sister."

"Yeah, the last time you came over when she was in middle school. She now has grown up. But I think you haven't met her yet because you needed to go back early on that day". Tristan said.

"Yeah, I remember that."

"You missed the cake. It has barbie on the cake". They laughed.

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