Part 42: Stalker"s"?

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Even though it is almost two weeks Casey in the camp, she still has not find any amusement there. Every weekend, she will call her parents and sometimes her brother. Tristan rarely picked up his phone, probably he is quite busy with his new life as a worker. Casey never knew what kind of job he is doing but she could tell that the job is quite good as he is an excellent student both in academics and curriculum.

"Mom, I want to home. I hate being here. Please." Casey said to her mom through the phone.

"Honey, few more days and you're done. Just hang on a little bit." She said.

"You can do it, honey." Dylan's voice could hear at the back.

"Okay, we got to go. You can call us later, okay? Love you." Mrs. Collins ended the conversation. Casey sighed. She never had enough talking to her family even for hours but she only talking about wanting to get home early.

Casey walked away from the public phone heavily.

Suddenly, she heard the girls shouting from a far. She knew that the girls are all practicing for their talent competition and she is the only one not doing the practice as she has been blacklisted. That is why she used the free time calling her family.

She saw the girls are shouting and crowding, like they are looking at something. She tried to get into the crowds, to see what they are shouting about. But she could not make it when Ma'am arrived at the place, asking them all to line up.

Once Casey got into the line in her platoon, she saw someone that she knew is standing in front. The girls still shouting, staring at the new creature.

"Shut up!" Ma'am shouted, trying to gain their attentions and stopping them from making noises.

"You really got no discipline on you!" She said, sounding mad.

"Due to that, our organizer had to hire another camp advisor to train you harder than before. So, without further a due, I would like to introduce you to Cap..." She told the whole platoons but her words got interrupted.

"Call me Tristan and I am going to be your advisor." Tristan said. Sound cool like usual. The girls are staring at him, non-stop.

"He is your advisor but in particular, he is the head of this camp advisor." Ma'am said.

Casey saw that Evans is standing right at her brother's side. She saw they are talking to each other, like they have known for years.

After the meeting, they all can continue doing their practices. Casey chase her brother. He is walking and talking with Evans.

"Tris." She called. He turned his head once she called him. Evans just look at them both.

"What are you doing here?" He said. His face looks clueless like he did not expect to meet her sister there.

"Not here." Casey said, she then grabbed her brother's hand. Evans watched them going, he is feeling confused with what happened. He then continue his walking, alone.

Casey brought Tristan to the spot that she used to practice her singing. "Why are you here?!" Tristan asked. His voice is quite high and luckily nobody even went there.

"This is the camp that mom and dad sent me. Don't you remember?" She told him.

"Oh really? I didn't know that." He replied.

"Aha, I bet you just can't stop stalking me. I am fine, Tris. I really am. There's no need to appear like this. I hate it." Casey said.

"Now, I swear to God I did not know a thing. I just has been assigned here and I just go. It's an order." He told her, trying to explain.

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