Part 35: Bad Decision

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"Where they send you?" Casey asked Tristan. She and her family are sending him off. They are in the airport.

"I don't know. They didn't confirm the place yet. I will text you once I got there." Tristan said. Casey is feeling grateful as she is finally getting back closer with Tristan and Dylan especially knowing that Tristan will be away.

"Have fun in camp." Tristan patted Casey's head, like she is a little kid. Casey just laughed.

Today is Tristan's departure and a few more days is Casey's. She has packed her stuff. She do not know what to bring so she only brought necessary stuff that she needs and also stuff that they instructed her to bring.

The day is finally come. Now is her time her family send her off. She never gets far away from her family and this is her first time. She is crying, feeling heavy to leave them.

"You're a big girl now." Dylan told Casey, he had bit of tears in his eyes.

"I'll be okay." Casey convince him. She is actually not feeling okay but seeing her family are so heavy to let her go, she need to give them confidence that she will be okay.

Casey got into the bus, the bus that will send all the kids to the camp. The camp is located about three hours from Casey's home.

On the bus, Casey write something. She loves writing a journal especially when riding a transport.

"A diary? Seriously?" Suddenly one of the girl said that to her. She is as hot and annoying as Miranda.

"It's a journal." Casey explained then she continue writing.

"Lame." The girl said. Her friends then laugh at Casey. Casey rolled her eyes.

She is just tired meeting people like Miranda. She could not believe that Miranda is not the only annoying person in the world.

Once they arrived at the camp, Casey gets her bag. She is walking to the location that they instructed.

"Line up here in 3 or you do 100 push-ups. Three, two, one!!!" One of the instructor yelled. She is wearing an army uniform. Casey and the girls are running like hell, trying to get there before the counting stop.

The girls are all lining up, with their bags. Then the instructors giving them a backpacks to each and every one of them.

"This is not a common camp. This is war camp! Whatever you brought here need to be checked and you only allowed to bring the things that we asked you to. The rest of your stuff will be send home." The instructor said.

"What?!" All of the girls yelled at the same time.

"Shut up!" The instructor yelled back.

"You guys are here because you are problematic kids! Your parents sending you to discipline you so better do what we ordered. No words or you will get punishment!" The instructor yelled again. She is really a fierce woman. She looks young and beautiful, just like the girls that coming to the camp but she is different.

"My name is something that you do not want to know. So I wanted each and every one of you to call me Ma'am." She added.

"Since they are many of you, you will be divided into few groups. When I call out your name, please line up." She said. She called the names one by one. Casey has been put in Platoon three. Each platoon has about 15 to 20 members. There are five platoons altogether.

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