Part 43: Worse Night Ever

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Casey scared to even coming out from the dorm. She finally knew the person that always stalking her is her best friend but what scared her the most is there is another one stalker out there.

"Is that ghost Chris?" She asked herself. She is actually needed to go for the punishment meeting. But she is scared. She brave herself anyway because she scared of Evans more than a ghost.

Luckily, Evans arrived at the place earlier than her. Otherwise, she have to wait for him alone in the dark.

"Okay, today we are going to learn about self-confidence." He told Casey once she arrived.

"I want you to walk in this small forest, using this torchlight." He added, passing the small torchlight to her.

"What?!" She shocked.

"Am I going to go inside the forest alone?" She asked. Evans nodded. He looks serious.

"Are you insane? This is 12 in the morning and why on Earth do I have to do that? In fact, this is a small torchlight!" She said, feeling not satisfied with the punishment.

Evans just stared at him, cold. He is the approaching her, closer. Right in front of her eyes. He looks down at her, as she is shorter than him.

"You do this or your name will be given to the organizer?" Evans asked. His face is serious. He is not like usual. He is Evans that she used to know during the platoons meeting where he acted fierce.

Casey had to do the punishment. She did not want her name to be given to the organizer because her name will be blacklisted for her application in any universities. She do not want that happen because she wanted to go to her dream university, Oxford.

Casey walks slowly into the small forest. For someone like her, the forest seems huge. Casey looked at Evans, trying to gain sympathy but all Evans was doing is staring at her coldly. Darkness is around not even a slightly light. The torchlight that she got did not help her much to walk in the thick darkness.

Casey is slowly walking in the forest. She could hear the sound of the birds that Milly always scared of. Now she understands her feelings.

Suddenly, Casey could feel that there is something just passed her. She tried to run away from it but she just do not where to go. The forest seems like too far to come to the end. The situation got whole lot worse when raining started to pour.

Casey finally stopped under one big tree, trying to keep herself away from the heavy rain. The rain falls heavily. She then looked around, trying to make sure nothing is following her.

But then suddenly the previous figure passing at her, few times. Casey is crying, so hard. She yelled for Evans's name but he still not coming for her. She then yelled her brother's name.

"Tristan!!!" Her shouted should be heard until the camp dorm but Tristan not coming rescuing her.

Casey tried to gain her strength. She fight her fear and running as fast as she could to get out from this creepy forest. She is soaking wet now, not only because of the rain but also because of her dreadful tears.

Finally she managed to get out. She saw Evans is still standing at the place. He is also soaking wet, not even covered himself from the rain even though there are roof near there.

Evans staring at him cold, like there is not even a sympathy in his eyes for Casey's crying. "Now go to bed." He said once Casey arrived. He then walked away, leaving Casey behind with her crying.

"I hate you!!!" She yelled. She thought that Evans did not heard that because he has walked away but he actually could heard that loud and clear.

Casey going to her dorm in her soaking sport attire. She cleaning up herself. Her face is swollen as a result from crying so hard. That is probably the most scared moments of her life.

Casey could not sleeping. She is still crying, could not believe about what happened. She do not mind the punishment but what disturbed her the most is when there is no one helping her when she was in fear.

Casey is still crying but then she saw her stalker is coming at her again tonight. The stalker is hiding at the spot that she used to saw it.

"Just stop. Please stop." Casey said to herself, trying to make the stalker go away even though her voice is impossible to be heard by the stalker. She is crying so hard but no one heard. The girls really sleeping well.

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