Part 14: Haters Revealed

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Casey walks in the hallway. She is alone because Milly busy flirting with some boys. That is her usual routine when school is over.

Her walks stopped when Miranda and her friends blocked her way. They glanced at her with their evil faces.

Miranda circling around Casey. She pulls Casey's hair. Luckily it's gentle. Then she pulls Casey's clothes, like pinching. Casey just stand there without replying anything to their behaviors toward her.

"I wonder why an ugly, lame girl like you could have been chosen by Tristan. You are nothing compare to me." Miranda ditched her. She sounded really annoying. Like a witch.

She flipped her hair few times which makes her the most wanted person to be slapped to. So annoying.

The other girls' of Miranda just stand beside her while smirking in their perfect faces.

"I guess you're just making it up. Because someone pathetic like you always wanted an attention. Poor Tristan, you used his name." Miranda added, still in an annoying tones. But her tone now is quite louder.

Everybody in the hallway witnessing the situation. They just talking to each other without even helping Casey out of the way.

Casey's hand suddenly pulled by someone. A guy with appealing veins just pulled her aside from the witches. A guy that might be the hottest guy in the school, or even in the town.

He pushed his hand on the wall while Casey is right in front of him. He stared at her passionately, like they are in love.

"I really am her boyfriend." He finally explained why he did that.

"Because she is the only perfect girl in the school." He added. Miranda and the girls stood there, blankly. Shocked.

"Tristan, are you even..." Miranda's word got cut out when Tristan continuously stared into Casey's eyes. Ignoring the three of them.

"Looks like you know my name. But unfortunately, I never know that you even exist. Isn't that weird?" Tristan speak out again, still staring at Casey. Casey just make the most annoying face the entire time. She wanted to wait the perfect moment to punch Tristan in the face. But Tristan is way too handsome to be treated like that.

Miranda cover her opened mouth as a respond of shocking with what Tristan said. She then back herself up, to make her feel better again.

"Yeah, right. But now you know that I am exist. Isn't that amazing? We're like meant together." She said.

"It now come to my senses that girl like you just... so dumb. What I mean just now is, a witch like you shouldn't came out from your hiding place or witch hunter will come and kill you straight away." This time, Tristan sounded so serious. He even stared at Miranda, coldly.

Casey is still in his grip. Tristan's hand still pushing the wall.

Miranda sighed heavily. Then those three witches walked away from them. Tristan laugh.

"Laugh till you can!" Casey a little bit yelled. She punched Tristan on his chest. His face is too perfect to be punched to.

Everybody is still looking at them. They were all witnessing that small phenomena.

Casey and Tristan walking towards Tristan's car. They are about to get home, together.

"I know that they purposely fell off the water on you last few weeks ago. And that's why I am doing that to them. They deserve it." Tristan said. He is starting the engine and ready to drive away.

"What?! They are the one did that to me? How did you know?" Casey asked in shock.

"I always know. Because you are my sister." Tristan replied the question.

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