Part 57: Blooming

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Casey still looking for Evans. She hasn't got her new form yet. 

"Where does this guy go? Why it is so hard to find him when I needed to? When I don't, he's everywhere! Ah, this is so frustrating!" She is talking to herself.

She is wearing a loose tracksuit and a large blouse, and also a half torn sneaker.

"Ah, this shoes make me sick! This is all because of that guy. If he hasn't bullied me to do the works, my shoes might still be okay." She refers to Evans.

"I asked mom to bring me clothes, but they haven't arrived yet. Why is this happening to me?!" She sighing to herself.

No one is around, everyone is so busy practicing for the talent show. The last day preparation.

"Ah, it doesn't matter anymore. I still can't join the talent show. Hmm". Casey walks so slowly while she keeps on mumbling to herself.

Casey fell when a person hit her from the back. 

It was Evans. Evans thought she was another camper. Now, he is feeling guilty.

He tried to help Casey up but then he let go. "Why would I help her?" His ego conquer himself.

"Evans?" Casey saw it was Evans and she tried to chase him. She wanted the form from him.

As she tried to chase him, she falls again. "Auch! This damn shoes!" She could not walk anymore further. Her shoes has torn to pieces. Her toes came out from the hole. She took them off and throws it somewhere.

Unfortunately, the shoes hit someone's head. It was Tristan's head. Tristan saw Casey on the floor and tried to help her. But Casey tried to stand up and run away. 

"Auch!" Casey yelled. She fell again. It was slippery for her to walk down only with socks. Even her socks has torn apart.

Tristan helped Casey up but every time he tried, she pushed his hands away.

"Get away!"

"Let me help you"

"I am not disabled. I can walk by myself."

Tristan still tries to help her but she still refuses.

From far, Evans that has walked away stopped his step. "What if she really gets hurts? No, I need to save her!" Evans returned back to where he hit Casey. He fastened his steps.

He saw from distance that Tristan is holding Casey's hands. He feels jealous. He doesn't know why. All he could think about is to get Casey away from Tristan.

He pushed Tristan's hands from Casey and put Casey on his back.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Casey shouted. She hit Evans's back repeatedly and asked him to let her down. He just ignores that and take Casey away.

Tristan just look them both from far. He looked at them confusingly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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