Part 25: Chaos

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Casey got into the center of the house. "Guys, we can just play the other games?" Casey tries to stop them but suddenly she got attacked by all of the girls. They are all throwing foods to her. They might get the food from the refrigerator. Then the girls ran away. They are hiding at their own hiding places, but all on their own.

"This can't be it." Casey quickly grabbed some leftover pizza that she made for the party and bring them over. She tried to find the girls and when some of them came out, she threw it to them. They are attacking each other with foods.

Allison who is clearly behind the curtain got attacked by Samantha. They are throwing at each other the chicken pie. They might got it from somewhere. Due to their struggles in defending and attacking each other, they accidentally put some dirt on the curtain. The color of the curtain is light peach which the color of the sauce got on it is more appealing.

Casey might not notice it as she busy running after Miranda. Miranda is running away from her and threw some brownies that she might got from the refrigerator to Casey. Casey quickly dodged back and the brownies hit the television screen behind her. Casey might not notice that too as she still running, trying to get Miranda. Her hands full with pizza sauce.

Almost the entire house is covered in carpet and when Casey running too quickly, she slipped off. Her dirty hands accidentally touched the carpet when she tried to cover herself from falling on her face. She saw the dirt, maybe only this one because she is the one who made it. She tried to clean it up by rubbing the dirt with her hands. She might forgot that her hands is still dirty so she just make the dirt worse.

Seeing Casey is down, Lucy suddenly appeared out of nowhere. She run to Casey, trying to attack her with some foods on both of her hands.

"Man's down." Lucy said while throwing her full hands with food to Casey.

"No, no, no, no, no." Casey tried to stop her from making the situation a whole lot worse but it is too late. The foods landed on the sofa when Casey could not make it to catch them. The original color of the sofa is white but the color has changed.

But the things got more than worse when Lucy also accidentally hit the aquarium located in the dining room. She hit it when she is busy throwing away the food to Casey. The aquarium full with expensive fishes just broken. All of the fishes are halfway death and might dead soon.

Miranda is nowhere to be found. She was there when Casey tried to chase her but now she just gone.

"Oh my gosh!" Casey a bit yelled. Samantha and Allison came near them, shocked with the broken aquarium made by Lucy. They all suddenly running to staircase and get their stuff in Casey's room. Then they walked out from the house, leaving Casey behind with her messed up house. Miranda is not with them, she might still in the house.

Miranda is actually in front of Dylan's bedroom, peeking through his door lock. She is peeking on him for quite a long time. Dylan is busy running through the account statement, probably calculating profit and loss of his business. That is what he always do when he is home and free.

"Boo!" Tristan shouted at her ears. He realize that Miranda has been there peeking on his brother. Her sudden shocked lead her to opened Dylan's door, accidentally. Dylan turned his head around when he saw Miranda and Tristan at his front door.

"You were peeking on me? You're the one who likes Tristan so much, right?" Dylan asked. Tristan nodded, trying to ask the same thing why did Miranda peeking on Dylan instead of him.

"I must have mistaken the room." Miranda answered, her forehead is sweating. She then quickly ran away from them and get her stuff from Casey's room.

"Aha, she just likes both of us." Dylan told Tristan, confident. Then he went back doing his calculating works.

"What a witch!" Tristan responded.

Casey has finally found out that she is not the only one that put the mess in her house. She noticed that there are more dirt on all over the places. She is shocked, feeling scared as she do not know what to do.

"I am dead." Their house is always in good clean like not even one inch the object should be moved. Otherwise, the 'war' might happen. The house is really in mess, like a shipwreck.

She saw Miranda running down the stairs, heading towards the exit door.

"Miranda...!" Casey called and chase her when she saw her still in the house.

"Mir. Miranda!" She yelled.

"I need to go home. My dog got sick." Miranda answered. She is walking fast.

"But you hate dog!" Casey yelled. But Miranda just walked away, ignoring her.

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