Part 47: Chasing out

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Casey never said anything when she passed through her brother because she do not want everyone to think she took advantage on him when actually they do not know that they are siblings. Even though Tristan always tried to approach and talk to her like he always do in school, Casey always ran away.

Its been two days she slept in the detention classroom. It is easier for her to go to the detention class without having to walk a long route as the class is quite far from her dorm. But nobody knows she is staying there. Except her brother, Tristan. She did not tell him that she is staying there but he knew about it as he traced her phone. He himself visited her there few times.

"Luckily no one's here or I will kick you out." Casey said when Tristan suddenly appeared at the front door of the classroom.

"How long you wanted to keep yourself away from everyone?"He asked. Casey did not respond.

"Just make some friends and you're gonna be okay." He said before he leave. Sometimes he visited her to send some food even though she never asked for that.

Like usual, the detention class had no sounds between Casey and Evans. The entire session is only the time Evans explaining the military theories. Casey used to ask and participate a lot as she is interested to know more but Evans always neglecting her responses. So she prefer to stay silent than humiliating herself again.

"Just don't live here." Evans said before leaving the class. Casey is clueless. She never thought anyone else especially Evans knew that she is currently staying there.

"Oh my gosh? How did he knows? Is it too obvious?" Casey looked around the classroom. The classroom looking much more tidy and colorful compare to the first time she came there.

"Or is it because... there is a ghost?!" Casey quickly tidying up her stuff and rushing to leave the classroom. That night, she is not staying there and thanks to Evans for that.

However, one good thing happen when she returned to her dorm. The stalker is not stalking her anymore. She finally could sleep well. 

But on second night, the stalker came again. Like he finally knew she is now returning there.

"This stalker is so frustrating." Casey do not feel scared of him but feel annoyed instead.

"I rather sleep with ghost rather than be an entertainment sources for this lonely stalker." Casey decided to sleep at the detention class on the next day.

The next day, Casey brought many necessary stuff of her like canned food, blanket and clean clothes to the detention class. She has decided to stay there until the camp is over.

Casey is reading novel that she brought from home. She has finished reading it but she read it again just to kill time. The night seems slowly to pass.

"Why I can't sleep?" She mumbles. It is already 2 in the morning.

The wind suddenly blew so hard which make Casey shivers. She suddenly feel scared and wanted to return to her dorm back but it is too late in the night and the dorm is quite far from there. She pull up the blanket to cover her face.

Suddenly the door of the classroom opened, like the wind blow it. Casey do not want to close it and rather stay under the blanket but she is scared, thinking the ghost might come inside through the open door. So she brave herself.

Casey walks slowly to the door, she is holding her sleeping bear. She grasps the bear every time she heard something.

Once she arrived at the door, she quickly grabbed the door knob and tried to close it but the door is stuck. She pulled the door as strong as she could but the door still cannot be closed.

"Damn door!" She still trying so hard. But then suddenly she saw something at the end of the corridor. Casey quickly run inside and hide herself under the blanket. She is shivering. The door has not closed yet.

Casey could not see what that thing is but all she saw is it is such a black and big figure.

Then Casey saw a shadow of something through her blanket. 'That thing' is in front of her. Casey grasps her sleeping bear tightly. She covers her mouth to stop the sound of her breath, hoping 'that thing' does not know she is there. 'That thing' was standing in front of her for few minutes, not moving.

Once the shadow is gone, Casey tried to open the blanket. Luckily 'that thing' is really gone.

Casey finally can take some breath. She is then turn over her body to the other direction.

Black and big. That is what she saw in front of her eyes now.

'That thing' she was seeing at the end of the corridor is laying next to her.

Without thinking of anything, Casey run as quickly as she could. Her sleeping bear is in her grasp. Casey did not turn her head back. She just run and run to wherever she feel safe enough. Once she thinks she is far away from 'that thing', she finally stopped and take some breath.

Casey looked around, she did not know where she is. She might be in the same building but probably in different level, she could not recall.

Casey walks slowly through the corridor, trying to find a way out. She tried to find the light sources but the power cut off during the night.

"I should have listen to Evans." She said, while walking slowly passing though from classroom to classroom.

"This is what you get when you have no friends." She said to herself.

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