Part 21: Confession

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Almost every evening, Casey will go for her Taekwondo practice. Actually, she loves Karate more than Taekwondo. But since all of her siblings have been exposed to it, she need to follow the legacy. She got her first black belt when she turned 12 years old. She is the only sibling that could get to that level compare to Tristan and Dylan. Tristan got it when he was 14 while Dylan got it when he was 16. That might be the only thing that Casey good at the most compare to her other siblings.

She might seems small for her size but she always been her sensei's favorite. She is a quick leaner and probably because of that she could get her first black belt at such a young age. Due to that, her sensei sometimes asked her help to teach some beginners. Like today, she is going to the center to teach like. She is off from her own Taekwondo practice as her next tournament still a long way to go.

"Lift up your leg a bit higher. Be confident." Casey always give more inspiration to her students compare to the tips on how to be a good fighter. For her, motivation and inspiration is the key to everything if we wanted to be good in all things.

"Fight your partner like they are your real attacker. Do not afraid to get hurt cause that's the key of learning." She said that while circling around them, watching their progresses. Sometimes she even help them correcting their body postures and sometimes she even do the tutorials by herself. Some of the girls are about her age and she making friends with them, like they have something in common. It is an honor for Casey to be a sensei there because this is the only place for her to be herself without anyone complaining or condemning.

When the session end, she will go straight to home. She is not like the other girls of her age which hanging around with friends in every places. Home, school and martial arts center are her only hanging spots.

She go to the center by herself, whether by walking or riding a bus. Tristan and Dylan used to go with her when they were learning together but since Tristan and Dylan have stopped the lessons, Casey always go by herself. Tristan always offer her a ride but Casey always rejected it. She said she do not want to burden Tristan especially when he has basketball practice at the same time as her teaching at center.

When Casey get home today, she saw her mom has not arrived from work yet. So do her father. But seeing Dylan and Tristan at home, which they just got back from their 'workplace', she think that she should cook something for them to eat.

Few hours left before night, so Casey quickly cleaning herself and get some dinners ready. That is what she always do when her mom not at home yet. If they just waited for her arrival, they might ended up eating a late dinner. In fact, it is a burden to their mom to cook for them when she just got back late from work.

"Cas, no need to cook today. Let's just eat at any restaurant." Tristan said it while watching his sister is busy preparing some food for dinner.

"No, it's almost ready." She said, not looking at him at all. Too focus on making the food, afraid they might burn.

Once the dinner is ready, three of them eat the foods. Like what expected, none of them speak anything. Silence. Only the sound of them chewing.

Even though Tristan and Dylan should be close with each other as they are boys, they are not actually. Dylan is too busy with his work and Tristan just do not have time for boys talk. He rarely at home, busy with his position as the head of student, club president and captain of basketball. Not to mention his other social activities.

Even, Casey could notices that both of her brothers are so awkward when they are talking to each other. They used to be the best buddies and Casey is like their angel which they always protecting her. But after growing up, it is not happening anymore.

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