Part 12: Everything Has Changed

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Throwback to the days when Casey, Tristan and Dylan were young. Casey was 13 years old when this happened. Tristan was 16 and Dylan was 18.

Young Casey always playing with both of her brothers. Playing like hanging around together in the park. Going on vacation together. Wrestling on the couch like kids. They were really a perfect trio.

Casey always feel secure when she was with them. She has no friend yet and both of her brothers always protected her when in needs. She do not mind being alone in school cause they are always for her.

Tristan and Dylan also love making surprise birthday party for Casey. They probably love Casey so much as she is the only little girl in the family.

There is one boy that used to come to Casey's birthday parties. He was known as Tristan best friend. But till now, Casey never know his name. Casey had a crush on him since the first time she saw him in her 10th birthday. He kept on coming to her birthday parties for years. But only until she is 13th where everything started to changed.

She never had a chance to get closer with him. Whenever she tried to approach him, he just disappeared. Only blurry images of him left.

All she knows about that mysterious boy is only he is cute. His smile is cute, his hair is cute and his teeth his cute. Too much cuteness to mention.

After the last birthday celebration on her 13th year, she never meet him again as there were no more celebration.

Probably Casey even forgot him already. Like they never met.

Things started to changed when Tristan got into high school, leaving Casey behind in middle school. While Dylan was starting to get busy helping their father doing businesses. Casey was a lone. Like a lone wolf, hunting for prey alone just to survive.

Casey tried to gain their attentions back. She sometimes desperately dragged Dylan to play wrestling with her on the couch. But he yelled at her instead.

She even make prank on Tristan to get him away from his friends so that they could play video game again like before. But the prank done wrong when Tristan has not speak to her for weeks.

Days by days, both of her brothers rarely talked to her and they started to get further apart. When they meet in the table for eating, they become awkward. Like a total stranger.

Tristan always stay back in school, hanging around with his new friends in high school. Dylan busied study for his senior year. He wanted to become a successful businessman like their dad.

Casey was all alone, lonely. Everything just changed, tremendously. Without she even noticing it happen.

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