Part 34: Departure

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Today is the last day in high school before summer. Tristan is finally finished his high school. He should not have come to the school today but he wanted to use this last day to spend time with his friends and teachers before he left forever. Only Casey is left, have few more years before she finished.

Casey feeling exhausted today. She is not in the mood to get to school but thinking about this is the last day, she came anyway.

She saw Casey and the girls walking through the hallway. She runs toward them.

"Guys." She called.

But out of nowhere, Miranda and the girls look at her in hatred. Like staring cold at her.

"Freak!" Miranda said while flipping her hair. Then she and the girls left her, just like that. Casey is clueless, still cannot understand why they suddenly treated her like that.

Casey is heartless now. She do not care anymore what happen. She knows this is the last day so she could not wait to end the day in school.

When Casey got home, she saw there some decorations and a lot of foods have been prepared.

"What is this for?" Casey asked her mom.

"This is small party for Tristan for his success in finishing the school. And this is also a farewell party for him and for you." Her mom answered. She is putting lasagna in the oven. That is Casey's favorite food.

"Farewell party for Tristan?" Casey asked.

"Yeah. He will departure to other state. He got the job that he has applied few months ago."

"He just finished his high school and now he wanted to start working?" Casey asked. She never understands why Tristan always become workaholic. He do have funs a lot but he always wanted to do more activities like he never rest.

"You know Tristan. He is workaholic. He never gets tired." All the food are ready on the table. Only lasagna is still in the oven.

Not so many guests come to the party. Only family, closest friends of Tristan's and neighbor come. Grayson is also there and every time he tried to approach her, she run away.

Casey is outside, not joining the party. She sit on the bench that her father built when she was a kid. The bench is located near the small fountain that he father built. She used to sit there, looking at the stars whenever she could not sleep.

She is thinking about Chris. Only God knows how much she misses him. She has tears in her eyes.

"Hey." Someone is coming from behind. That is Dylan. He is with Tristan. They both sit next to her. Casey is in the middle. She gave some spaces for them to sit and luckily they have small butts like her so the space is enough for them three. She wiped her tears, trying to her from her brothers from seeing her crying again.

"It's been a long time we haven't sit here together." Tristan said.

"Yeah." Dylan responded.

Casey still in silence. Then both of her brothers turning their heads to her. She knew that they know she was crying.

"What's gone is gone, Cas." Dylan said.

"We all make mistake and we all lost something. But what ahead of us is something that we should look for. So make sure we didn't lose it too." He added.

"You know we love you so much, right?" Now it is the time for Tristan to talk.

"Even though we are not around with you like before, but we never take our eyes away from you." He added.

"You are our only princess and you will always be in our protections." Dylan said.

"After what you told us at the park the other day make us realized our mistake. I finally become close with Dylan like before because of your help. You are the one make us closer, Cas." Tristan said. He is hugging Dylan but since Casey is in the middle, she got hugged too.

"We will never change and so do you. Because you are our sister." Dylan said. Casey shed her tears, hugging them both. Then they both kissed Casey in the cheeks and forehead, a gesture showing that they love Casey so much.

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