Part 18: After Shock

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"How long have you known?" Casey's face swollen as a result of crying too much. She do not care about her face. She never cares.

"Since the first time I know him." Tristan just keeps her head down, feeling guilty to her sister.

Both of their parents are eating breakfast with them but when they asked about Casey's swollen face, Casey answered that she just got lack of sleep due to partying too much.

After breakfast, Tristan are ready to drive to school. He is waiting for Casey at his car's door. Casey is still in the house, taking some books from her room.

When she got in the front lawn, Miranda and her girls arrived in a car. Miranda is driving a Porsche.

"Cas, I am really sorry. I should have told you before but I really don't know that you like him." Tristan tried to persuade her.

"Casey, come on." Miranda interrupted. She asked Casey to go to the school with them, like what she promised.

Without hesitation, Casey choose to ride with Miranda and not her brother. Miranda even used the chance to wave at Tristan, flirty. But Tristan just stared at her, coldly.

When they arrived at school, Miranda reminded Casey to join them during lunch as she is a part of them now. Casey just nodded, she is not in mood to say anything.

Casey saw Milly in the hallway. She tried to get her to confess the burden that she feels. Milly is the only person that she has, that she can trusts on.

But Casey stopped her intention when she saw Milly busy chatting with the boy that Milly making out last night. Milly saw Casey approaching her but she just acted like she did not saw her coming.

Casey feels so miserable. Her life getting messier day by day. Her crush imagination has crashed, her brother that she still think could trust on just betrayed her and now her best friend neglecting her. Who else she could depends on?

Like promised, Miranda invited Casey to sit with them at their tables. She do not want to. But seeing her seat that she used to sit with Milly has been taken over by Milly's new boyfriend, she could do nothing but joining Miranda and the girls.

Across the distance, Tristan is looking at Casey. He keeps saying sorry many times from distance. Casey just looked at him back without giving any respond, pretending she did not saw him.

"Cas, since you are the new member of us. We would like to throw a small celebration for your joining. We will go for shopping after class." Miranda tried to catch Casey's attention when she saw Casey keeps silent since then.

Casey just nodded. She might want to use this opportunity as her escapism.

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