Part 33: Another Disaster

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Miranda and the girls brought Casey to the mall that they used to go after school. They brought some foods and decorations for the party. Casey is not in the mood but thinking the party is for her Chris, she tried her best gaining some strength.

They brought some delicious food like macaroni, pizza, spaghetti, cakes and other snacks like chips and chocolates. But they only bought the ingredients, not the cooked one.

"Why are you guys bought the ingredients? Why not the ready meals?" Casey asked.

"Because we wanted you to cook." Lucy said, simple as that like she knew Casey will agree. Miranda hit Lucy in the shoulder, giving hint not to hurt Casey.

"This is a special party for Chris so we want you to make it special for him. You're a good cook, Cas and we know that Chris hoping the same. Hoping you could cook the special dishes for his special party." Miranda explained. Hearing the words from her, she agreed. She wanted the best for Chris because this might be the last memory that she will make for Chris. So she wanted the best. Casey nodded, smiles. Now finally she get some strength to held the party.

"When the party started?" Casey asked, she is eager and could not wait to cook.

"At 8. At your house." Miranda said then she walked away, towards her car.

"What?!" Casey shocked after hearing that the party will be held at her house.

Luckily Casey's parents going back home at late at night lately. She has told her friends to end the party as early as possible so that she has some time to cleaning up the house before her parents get home.

Miranda and the girls excitedly decorate Casey's house. The dirty curtain, carpet and sofa have changed right away after the incident. The aquarium and fishes also have been replaced. Once they are done decorating, they are swimming at Collins's swimming pool. Casey is busy cooking by herself, no one mind helping her. She is so in chaos because there are so much things to cook and she lacks of hands. She used to cook for many dishes but she never cook for a lot of people. Miranda told her that probably about 20 people will come to the party which include Chris's family. So she wanted to cook the best meal for Chris's family, as a gratitude for them.

Few hours has passed, Casey finally done cooking. Now she is rushing to clean herself. Miranda and the girls have fallen asleep on the sofa. Luckily, Tristan and Dylan are not at home too. Tristan might have some group meeting for his final project of his high school and Dylan might stuck in the office with her dad.

The guests started to come once the clock hit at 8 pm. Miranda treat the guest and Casey do nothing than wait for Chris's family arrival.

"Where's Chris's family? It's almost 9 pm." Casey grabbed Miranda to the other side, away from the guests.

"Oppss, I might forgot to send the invitation." Miranda said.

"What?!" Casey shocked after hearing Miranda's answer. This is not Chris's tribute party if his family is not here. Casey do not have his family phone numbers but Miranda told her that she has. That is why she rely everything on her to settle the guest's invitation.

"Okay now the time has finally reached 9 pm." Miranda speak through the speaker, trying to catch everyone's attention. Finally, it is time for the speech, the peak moment where everyone will talk good things about late Chris.

"Now let's the party started! Whoo hoo!" Miranda said it out loud. Everyone started to dance so wild and turning the music so loud. Casey is really in shock of what happened. She tried to drag Casey out of the wild dancing crowds but it seems so hard to get her. She also tried to turn off the music but the music has been set with password.

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