Part 6: Misunderstand

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Jessica and Casey are doing their assessments on Casey's bed. Sometimes they discussing and sometimes they laughing.

"I don't know that you are super rich. Why didn't you tell anyone about this?" Jessica asked.

"Milly knows."

"What about the others."

"They don't know."


"Please, Jessica. I am begging you don't tell anyone about this."

"Oh Casey. How can I shut off my mouth when you have a house as huge as a castle. Everyone needs to know."

"They don't need to. Knowing someone's wealth doesn't give any benefits."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Casey nodded. She is feeling relieved when Jessica agrees with her. She is hoping Jessica would not tell anyone about her life.

Jessica continues writing down some notes based on the websites that Casey found for her.

"See, it's not that hard. There are always a way for every problem." Casey said, trying to convince Jessica. Jessica nodded and smiled. She feel more confident.

"I know you could do it because you are smart. It is just a matter of how much you believe in yourself." Casey praises Jessica in order to give her some spirits.

"Just please, do not copy exactly from the websites. Plagiarism is illegal." She reminded Jessica.

"I won't. And thank you, Cas. You are the best. I bet that your boyfriend must be so lucky to have you. You are smart and kind." Casey keeps her head down when Jessica praises her. She is not even smiling. She does not really like the compliments from people. She always thought she is not deserves for those.

Casey also actually feel annoying when someone mention about boyfriend or love to her. But she do not want to be rude by throwing out the anger, especially to Jessica as she is the only classmate other than Milly that ever talked to her.

They both stop chatting to each other when Tristan suddenly gets into the room. He is shirtless. His abs is showing, clearly.

Every time he is shirtless in front of her, she always question how on earth his abs could look so shiny like that. Did he put on some oil every time he takes his shirt off?

"Honey, have you eaten the chocolate I gave you..." Tristan stopped when he finally saw someone else is in her sister's room. 

Jessica opened her mouth widely, shocked. Casey sighed and rolled her eyes.

"I am sorry. I don't know your friend is here." Tristan quickly closed the door and left.

Jessica's mouth still wide open. "Is that Tristan Collins? The hottest boy in our school?"

Casey shakes her head repeatedly. She does not want to answer her question.

"Oh my God!!! He is your boyfriend!!!" Jessica yelled. She then took all of her stuff and pack them up. 

Jessica rushes to get out of the room.

Casey tried to stop her from getting away with that information. She tried to explain the truth but Jessica walks faster than her.

"He is not my boyfriend, Jessica. He is my God damn..." Casey could not finished her sentence when Jessica interrupted her.

"He called you honey! Obviously he is. I need to tell everyone about this." Jessica sounded excited, cannot wait to spill out the rumor.

"I can keep the secret that you are rich but the secret between you and Tristan is something that I will not going to keep it by myself." She added.

"This is all just a misunderstanding." Casey tried to explain again but Jessica has walked out from her house.

"Everyone will finally like you, Cas." Jessica's voice faded. Her steps fastened.

"Ugh!" Casey sighed. She then quickly get inside the house, trying to get Tristan.

She saw Tristan sitting on the sofa, smiling at her, acting innocent. He still shirtless.

"Why are you always messing up with me?" Casey sounded mad. He gazed at Tristan's eyes. Daring.

"I never messing up with you, Cas." Tristan stood up. He then approaches Casey. They are only one inches apart. Tristan is four inches taller than Casey.

"Then why did you walked into my room?!" Casey yelled. "And shirtless?!" Casey looks at his brother's abs. She never fell for it.

"Are you trying to humiliate me?!" She added.

Her tall brother speaks nothing. He just laughing. "Ugh! I hate you!" Casey stomps her feet so hard while she is walking up the stairs.

LOVE HATE, YOU DUDEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin