Part 2: Unknown

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Mr. Barnes write a new assessment on the board. The students copy the them, focus. No sounds heard.

"Why do you guys always copy what I wrote on the board?" Mr. Barnes said while still writing on the board. He is not even looking at the back. Like he knew all of them copying him.

Everybody is laughing.

"Okay, this is your new assessment which you need to complete and submit to me before the summer holiday." Everybody is cheering once the word 'summer holiday' pronounced.

Mr. Barnes wanted to continue giving instructions but he suddenly saw Anthony. "Stop picking your nose, Anthony!" Everybody is looking at him. They laugh.

"And you, Melissa. Stop scratching your butt. You think I couldn't see that behind your beautiful, flawless face?" Mr. Barnes said in a really annoying tone. Everyone is laughing, again.

"You guys are so weird. I wonder where on earth are you guys from." He sounded serious but everybody is laughing at his serious joke.

"This is a huge task and this is why I am giving you a lot of time to complete it. So, I want it to be perfect. Otherwise, I will call your parents and convince them to send you to military school." Mr. Barnes finally managed to continue his lecture. He sounded serious but still, the students are laughing.This might be because Mr. Barnes's voice sounds funny.

The ring bells and everybody packs their bags. They rushed towards the door, pushing each others.

"One more thing before you go. The girl name... I don't remember her name but she is weirder than you, as she always do her assessment way too much." Mr. Barnes added, telling the remaining students left.

"It's Casey, sir." Anthony answered.

"Yeah, it's Carrie. Her name is as weird as her which she is..." Mr. Barnes's word got interrupted when suddenly Milly speaks.

"It's Casey, sir. Casey." Milly corrected him. Casey just rolled her eyes, feeling annoyed.

"Yeah, whatever. A girl with Capital C's name, please don't write too much in your research cause I don't have God damn time to read your lousy words as I busy with my golf. You know when you having a good time and suddenly someone..." Mr. Barnes just keep on talking and talking while everyone else has leaving the classroom. He has not noticed that nobody is in the classroom. His nagging still can be heard from outside of the class. He is actually alone right now, talking to himself.

Casey and Milly walk through the hallway, heading toward the exit door. The hallway full with students which also heading towards the exit door as the school day has ended for today.

Some of the students are at their lockers, putting some books and some of them just making up with their partners before they go home. Every time she saw those 'lovey dovey' couples, she will pull her face from seeing them. Gross.

"I don't understand why these people choose love over studies. Future is so important and making love is like the last thing you should do." Casey said with unsatisfied tone. Milly stopped Casey's walking and pat her shoulder.

"Honey, you are so lame. Love is everything. Future will always come after we choose love." Milly replied confidently. She always acted like she is so good in love stuff. But everybody knows she got rejected many times.

Then Milly walks in the front while leaving Casey in confuse. She flips her long straight hair. She is confident that her advice will convince Casey. But Casey just stood there, numb. She looks like she could not relate to what Milly just said.

Casey then walk towards different path from Milly. Milly turned her head and realize that Casey is not behind her. She chases Casey, clumsily.

"You're going home with your brother again?" Milly asked. While walking, she gave some winks to some hot boys that are lingering in the school yard.

"Yeah of course." Casey's tone sounded unsatisfied. She never likes to get to school nor going home with his brother.

"But your brother is there." Milly pointed out to Tristan's car. Tristan is in the car, but he is talking with some hot girls and his boy friends. They are known as Tristan's best friends.

Casey sighed and walked away. "I'll wait for him at the other side."

"Till when you wanted to keep it from everyone." Milly said, trying to catch up with Casey.

"Till my brother stop being a freak." Casey walks as fast as she could. She do not want to hear the rest of Milly's nagging.

"You're a freak!" Milly replied. She then stopped from chasing her as Casey walks too fast to catch up with.

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