Part 46: Second Room

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"I have set up the plan. All you need to do is be at the place that you should be." Milly called her, early in the morning. She sounded raspy.

"Yeah. Thanks." Casey said. She could not ask much as she is rushing, getting ready for the roll call. After the roll call, she need to go for the detention class. She never thought a life in camp could be as same as the life in school.

"Seriously?" She said once  Evans  get into the class. She gets tired when Evans always be the one that will conduct her punishment.

"Do not get too excited. I never wanted to do this for you. I have to." He said in a cold face. No emotions.

Casey felt so annoying with how Evans treated her lately. 

For detention class, Evans taught her a lot of theories which include everything about military, especially the history.

Even though Casey hate Evans, what he taught actually bring excitement to Casey as this is a new lesson for her.

"Dismissed." He said once he finished teaching and straight away leave the class.

Casey did not leave the class. She stay there. She feel calm when nobody is around.

"This is the only place that I can be myself." She do her own stuff, drawing and writing. She then falls asleep.

The next day which she had no activites like usual, she used that empty classroom as her hang out place. 

"I am free from anyone and I am free from the creepy stalker." She is talking to herself. 

Casey felt annoyed when every single nights, the creepy stalker always hiding behind the big tree, next to her dorm and staring at her until she falls asleep. Probably the stalker does not realize that she could see him.

Casey have reported to the camp authority about it for few times and they have made the investigation and found no one at the place Casey used to see "it". 

"I might have gone mad." 

"This is all his fault!" Casey blamed Evans for treating her so bad that made her go crazy and seeing things.

The classroom which is now a hang out place for Casey after the detention is now becoming the second bed room for her. She decorated the room so beautifully. Sometimes she spent hours tidying and decorating the room. 

She even slept there for few times. 

"It's nice, isn't it?" She asked Evans when she saw he was observing the whole classroom.

He did not respond. He started the lesson like the question never been asked.

"Jerk". Casey whispered to herself.

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